Part 10

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"So what did you do last night?" I asked as Kelly and I walked down to the store. She looked at me and smiled. "Never mind, don't answer that. I don't want to know." I said realizing she was about to ruin my life with her answer.

"Fine then, enough about me. What did you do?" She asked.

I wish I had an interesting story for her like she always has for me. Sadly though, I wasn't the one out of the group that was known for doing wild and wacky shit. I was more of the stay at home girl, with the bunny slippers that she refuses to give away even though she knows damn well they are too small for her feet at this point. But she doesn't care!

"I had dinner with the fambam, and then my uncle and aunt went in their office to finish up work, and I went to my room and chilled." I said as we stepped into the store. We walked down to the produce aisle and she just looked at me. "What? You know I don't do shit like you." I said laughing. She just shook her head and started buying the stuff Shawn's mother sent us here for.

"Whatever, but one of these days you need to do something exciting on a school night. Not just go over to Shawn's house, I mean something real exciting." She said. I rolled my eyes as she put the food in the cart and we started walking to the next aisle. "I'm just saying, this is your year to have fun. Stop worrying about rules and all that, it's now or never." She said. I nodded my head and got a box of cereal and threw it in the cart.

"I know what you're saying, but it's hard. My aunt and uncle would never allow me to go out and just hang at the park on a school night." I said. She stopped pushing the cart and took out her phone. She handed it to me and I just looked at it. "What am I supposed to do?" I asked taking it.

"Call them. You said they wouldn't let you, well let's see. Just ask them to stay out tonight until one or two in the morning with us at the park, let's see what they say." She said.

I shook my head and dialed the house number. No one picked up, so I hung up and tried my aunt's work number. What a shock, she didn't pick up either. It's not like she ever does. I called my uncle's work number and finally, he picked up.

"Hi, it's Beyonce." I said cheerfully. "I was wondering if I could stay out a little later than usual tonight. See, Kelly and Michelle want to go to the park but they can't go until midnight, so that means I would be out probably until two or three in the morning. Is it okay?" I heard him talking to someone else in his office and then he focused back on me.

"Yeah, that's fine. Just make sure you take your keys and make sure you're not left alone anywhere."

I couldn't believe what was happening. He was giving me permission to stay out that damn long? He must really be busy, I should probably wait to ask him for real another time kuz I don't think he understands what he's doing right now.

"I'll see you later, bye." He hung up and I handed the phone back to Kelly.

"He said it was okay." I said looking at her. She raised her eyebrow and smiled. "But he sounded busy, and he was talking to people in the background. I think I'm just gonna ask him later to make sure." I said. She shook her head and we continued walking.

"Face it, they know you're grown, it's you who doesn't understand what that means." She said looking at me. I ignored her and continued to look straight ahead.

"I'm sure you know you're grown though, kuz the shit you be doing with Shawn, everyone knows you're grown! I guess you just don't want to accept it." She said laughing. I looked at her and she patted me on my back. "It's okay, I won't tell anyone what I hear at night. Trust me, I don't want to think about that shit anymore than I have to." She said.

"Don't hate kuz we know how to get our shit done better than you." I said. She pushed me lightly and I just laughed. She knows it's true. "

Anyways, what's next on that list kuz I'm ready to go!" I said grabbing it from her.

We only had about three more things and we could finally get the hell out of here and go back. I was hungry, and we were promised that food would be ready by the time we got back to Shawn's house. After we finished, we got back to Shawn's house and as soon as we entered, we heard yelling.

"Not again!" Kelly said putting the bags down and walking upstairs.

I did the same and followed her. When I made it into his room, him and his brother were staring each other down and Kelly was in the middle.

"Don't just stand there, help me!" She said looking at me. I ran up to Shawn and tried to pull him away.

"Not now Beyonce, I gotta handle this." He said jerking away from me. I tried to grab him again, but he pulled away even more. "I said not now!" He yelled right in my face. I slowly backed up and he looked back at his brother.

"Take back all the shit you said earlier!" He said trying to grab him. His brother got away from Kelly and they stepped up to each other.

"No, you're responsible for his death, and you know it. You should have been a man about that shit and taken the blame for helping him. You know you had something to do with that Judge getting murdered." His brother said pushing him. Shawn lunged at him and they both ended up on the floor.

"I didn't do anything but help his ass out!" Shawn said hitting him. His brother tried to push him onto his back, but Shawn was too strong. "If anyone is responsible for his death, it's you! You're the one who told mom and dad about his issues! He would still be here if you never opened your damn mouth!" Shawn yelled. Kelly came over and pulled Shawn off with all her strength.

"Shawn! Just go outside and cool off!" She yelled. He looked at his brother one last time, and left the room. I was still standing there, shocked.

"Go after him!" She yelled at me.

I broke out of my trance and ran after him. I went all the way to the backyard and finally found him sitting down by the pool. I walked over to him and sat down.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you." He said looking at me. I nodded my head and smiled to let him know it was okay. I mean, he sure as hell was under a lot of stress, and he didn't say anything too bad.

"I can't believe after everything I've done for him while he was here, he turns around and says that shit to me." He said looking into the water.

"He had no right to do that, and I'm here if you want to talk more about it." He just nodded and kept looking at the water. It must suck to be in the position he's in. I grabbed his face and made him look at me.

"Will you talk to me about stuff now?" I asked. He smiled and nodded his head. "Thank you and I promise I won't pressure you to say anything you don't want to." I gave him a quick kiss and then we heard something crash inside the house. We both got up and ran inside just in time to see Kelly pushing his brother out the front door.

"What the hell happened?" I asked pulling her back.

"He had the nerve to say shit to me that I'm not even about to repeat. Try me again, we'll see what happens!" She yelled at him. Shawn closed the door in his face and walked over to her.

"I don't understand why I was even nice to him in the first place when I knew something was wrong with his actions. I knew he was iffy!" She said running upstairs. I looked at Shawn and he kept his eyes glued on her.

"I'm gonna go talk to her." I said about to walk off. He grabbed me and pulled me back. "What are you doing?" He just looked at me and pulled me into the living room. He sat me down and turned on the t.v. and sat next to me.

"Hello! Did you not just see my best friend run up there? I need to get to her!" I said trying to get up.

He just laughed and kept me down. What was he doing? Just as I was about to go off on him, the front door opened and Roy walked in. He looked our way and Shawn pointed up. Roy shook his head and ran up the stairs while I looked at Shawn.

"How did you know he would come?" I asked smiling.

"I have this gift, it's called being magic." He said laughing. I socked him and he just continued to laugh at me.

"Honestly though, you wanna know the truth?" He asked. I nodded and he smiled.

"Well, I thought about if it was me and you in that situation. You would have run up there and called the one person who you loved the most, and you would know they would come no matter what. If you called me, I know I would run here fast as I can, and that's how I knew Roy would be here in a matter of minutes." That's the exact moment that I knew we were in this for the long run.

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