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Now playing: Pressure by 'Yungster Jack'⏪  ⏸  ⏩

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Pressure by 'Yungster Jack'

I strode towards the forest clearing at a faster pace than usual, my hands fisted tightly as I did so.

 U.A entrance exam is in 3 days and I'm not prepared at all. I've been training every day for a few weeks now but I feel like my quirk hasn't improved even a bit.

Why do I have to train by myself? Better question, why am I even training to become a hero??

I want to stay at home, and read or watch something while cuddled up in my bed.

But I can't. Mom and dad are the only ones that have been with me my whole life, I can't destroy their dreams of me being a pro-hero.

I arrived at the clearing and as expected Bakugou was already drenched in sweat, training his quirk. 

I admire him, really. He never misses a day to train, his physical strength is awesome, and as far as I've observed, his quirk is hella strong, too. And he got there all by himself.

I guess his determination rubs off on me because when I see him working his butt off, I feel obligated to train too.

I nodded at him as a greeting and went to the edge of the clearing, which over the weeks, has become my signature spot to train. I did my focus practice, skipping my workout for the day.

Breathe in, direct your focus to in between your eyebrows, breathe out.

I opened a few portals as a warmup and created Russian dolls as a practice for my illusion.

Then, I stood still, stabilizing my mental space and opened a portal as big as I could and held it open for as long as I could focus.

The objective here was to get long-lasting and a stable portal because god knows what happens when the portal snaps close when someone's inside it.

I counted up while I maintained the opened portal.

16, 17, 18, 19, 20–


The portal flickered and shut off.

God damn it.

I sucked in a deep breath, trying to calm myself.

"Your explosions are really annoying, you know?"' I turned to him and said.

He stopped what he was doing and sneered, "not my problem your focus is too weak."

"How am I supposed to train my focus if you keep exploding things every 3 minutes??"

"Villains don't shut their mouth and wait for their ass to be kicked! How're you gonna save lives when you can't even endure small explosions??"

𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐨𝐫 𝐝𝐢𝐞 ♡ 𝘬. 𝘉Where stories live. Discover now