She was glad that her parents didn't make such a big deal about who she picked to stay the hours of treatment with. She didn't wanna make anyone feel left out or not included. She just wanted to be around the girl she was in love with at all times. It was less stress on her and she thanked all of them for that.

Y/N was sat in a comfy looking chair as the nurse started to hook everything up, "Alright, there's open access to the internet, free cable, and if you get cold I have a ton of warm blankets just for you." The nurse winked at Y/N and the girl in the chair felt immensely calm around the older woman.

"Thank you." Her voice small and quiet causing Camila to stare her over as she sat near her.

"Weird." She whispers before giggling when she caught Y/N's small glare, "Didn't know you were part rat."

"Shut up." Y/NN mumbled with a hidden smile while Camila leaned back in her own chair.

"Squeak, squeak, speak lower for me." Camila teased and Y/N just shook her head as she looked down at her lap.

Camila could tell she was nervous, she had seen her best friend go through hours upon hours of research. Even after talking with her doctors and oncologists she'd still obsess over knowing everything there was about what would happen. Chemo was tough but she wanted to be tougher. The only problem was that there was no way you could ever truly prepare yourself for the way your body would react to all these treatments.

Camila grabbed her hand again as she loudly scooted her chair next to hers and kissed her knuckles. Y/N was so nervous she just let her body sink into the seat she was in and let Camila kiss her hand; all the while her nurse and oncologist started to hook up what was needed. Her heart rate picking up every second the stand got closer and Y/N nervously bit her lip. Y/N's nurse Angela was trying to casually make conversation to relax her a bit. A blind person could tell something was off with the usual bubbly girl. Everyone knew she was starting to overthink this.

"Alright, you okay? How you doin'?" Angela spoke softly as she rubbed Y/N's shoulder but the girl just shrugged.

"Me? Oh, I'm fine, just wanna get this over with." She lightly laughed trying her best to play it off; on the bright side she was given anti-nausea and anxiety medicine when she was taken for the physical.

"We're gonna begin a saline solution and I'll switch out the bags to get this thing on the road." The nurse had informed her once again and Y/N nodded with a polite smile.

Y/N had heard these steps a hundred times today, all she wanted was this to be over with. She didn't really like having a needle in her arm throughout the day but she had to remind herself that things would look up. It's only the beginning. Plus... she had Camila by her side, they could figure out how to waste time quite easily.

"So... you takin' me out on a date soon?" Camila spoke out loud to get the older girls attention and Y/N immediately had a smile grace her lips.

A laugh bubbled out from her throat, "I kissed you, you have to take me out." Y/N challenged and Camila giggled deeply seeing the cute smirk on Y/N's nurse's face.

"Where does that cancel out? I'm terrible at making plans." Camila retorted trying to keep Y/N's mind off of the medicine about to go through her.

"Yeah... you're right, if I let you plan a date we'll just end up on your bed."

"Hmm." Camila smirked as the girl next to her started to feel the embarrassment rain down on her.

"Wait, definitely not what I meant-"

"On second thought, that's not a bad idea after all." Camila teased causing the nurse and Y/N to laugh while the heat was almost unbearable against the back of her neck.

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