"Proof." Nikki nods, finishing my sentence before wrapping me in a tight hug.

Her arms hold me so tightly, it's as if they're the only thing keeping me together. But, when the tears come in a steady stream down my face, it hits me hard that I haven't truly been whole for a while now.

I wish that I was above this. That he didn't have this hold on me, but I can't help it. I've spent years of my life growing with him, laughing with him, living with him... It's hard to wake up one day and imagine not having him in my life anymore. Now I'm beginning to wonder if I ever really had him to begin with.

"I found an earring u-under our b-bed...fucking hoops," I say pulling away to gauge my friends reaction.

"What did Josh say when you confronted him?" Amber asks, leaning forward on her knees, the hairdryer completely forgotten. Nikki offers me a tissue that I gratefully accept.

I laugh bitterly as I wipe my eyes with the tissue. "He lied. Like he always fucking does... s-said they were mine."

"What an asshole!" Nikki frowns as she paces restlessly. "You don't even wear hoops."

"I know," I mumble between sobs, balling up the tissue in my palms as I close my eyes.

Amber rubs her temples as she stares at the floor with a concentrated frown. "This shit's not right, Mani."

I nod, my chest tight with emotion as I release a small breath. "I don't even know what I'm going to do..."

"This is why you have me." Nikki stops pacing, stopping in front of me. "The way I see it, you have you have two options: kill the son of a bitch or kill the son of a bitch."

"Nikki," I gasp, suppressing a laugh.

"Okay fine," she says, growing serious as she places a hand on my shoulder. "Option three: leave him, Imani."

"I..." I don't know what to say as I glance from Nikki to Amber, who wear matching solemn looks. "H-how?" I ask, finally finding my voice. I know they're right, but I don't know how one would even begin to divorce a divorce attorney.

"Well," Nikki crouches down in front of me. "You can start by wiping those pesky tears away." She grabs the tissue from my hands and gently wipes my cheeks. "He's not worth it, babe."

I nod, knowing she's right. But, it doesn't alleviate the pain in my chest.

"Alright," Nikki says, standing once more. She grabs her purse from a nearby chair and rummages through it for a moment. "Aha! Here." She hands me a slightly crumpled card and I read it over.

"Aaron Copperfield..." I examine the card again before glancing back at her. "Why do you have a divorce attorney's card in your purse?"

Nikki shifts on her feet and glances away. "He's a friend, that's all."

"Hmm," Amber smirks. "Just a friend, huh?"

"Shut up," Nikki rolls her eyes. "If you must know it was a one night stand..."

"He gave you his card after a one night stand?" I laugh, my sadness temporarily forgotten. "Wait, did you lie and say you were married?"

Nikki presses her lips into a tight line and turns around. "Anyways so, Imani, you want me to flat twist your hair or..."

"Oh no you don't, bitch, you gotta explain!" Amber says in between fits of laughter.

"Look, I'm just trying to help. Besides I hear he's actually good—"

"Ooh was he now?" I tease.

Nikki snatches the card from my hand and I only laugh harder. "Gimme my goddamn card back, heifer. You bitches do know I still haven't finished your hair right?"

"Oh hush, Nik, stop being so sensitive. We got Mani to smile didn't we?" Amber winks at me before ducking back under the hair dryer.

"Yeah, I guess you're somewhat right..." Nikki places the card in my lap before moving behind me again and starting on my hair.

"Seriously, thank you," I say, twirling the business card between my fingers. "Both of you. I really needed this."

"You can pay me back by keeping your head still," Nikki says, repositioning my head.

I smile softly and tuck the card safely away in my purse.

I thought I would be scared to make such a drastic change in my life, and for a long time, I suppose I was. But, I'm different now. I have people in my life who love me and are willing to help, and that means the world. I feel so loved and empowered. There's only one person missing in it all.

I chew on my bottom lip as I stare at the contact I'd been meaning to delete over these past few days. Ethan makes me feel things I thought were reserved for young, stupid love. Every moment I spent with him was a moment spent living. I'm tired of simply existing. It's not enough anymore. I want to live. I want Ethan. I just hope I'm not too late.


A/N: Y'all I'm trash and I know it 😭

I've spent the last couple weeks packing and moving back into my apartment, so it's been hectic. I know that's not an excuse, but I'm gonna try to be better.

Anyways, this was a short chapter, but trust me it leads to bigger and better things.

I hope you all are having a great day!

Until next time,


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