I loved the little things he does. Like kissing my head, or playing with my fingers. My favorite is when we cuddle he plays with my hair, and twists it in his large fingers. I felt his hand wrap with mine as I looked into his jade green eyes,

"Your hand is so big gosh" I laughed wile lifting up our wrapped fingers. "You know what they say about big hands" He wiggled his little fingers around.

"Its foot, and been there done that" I winked causing him to gasp. He placed his hands over his mouth. "Don't talk about Harry Jr. in such a negative tone." If I was drinking water it would have been spit out and all over the floor.

"You did not just refer your man parts as Harry Jr." I gasped as his grin grew. His dimpled were popping out of his cheek as we hopped into the car.

"Well its is a little me you know" He trailed off beginning to explain. "I know I know" I waved my hands around causing her to howl in laughter. I had to admit this conversation was kinda funny. Our laugh's filled the quiet car, as he gripped the wheel.

"Well this Harry is taking me out to dinner so where are we doing" I sung as he waved his finger in my face." Its a surprise.

I placed my hand on his thigh as he chomped down on his lip, his eyes darkening as he held the wheel tighter. "Please tell me" I soothed playing with a loose curl.

"Tiff stop I am not telling you" He spoke through gritted teeth. I took my hand back as soon as he spoke. I slumped in my seat knowing he wont tell me. I heard him chuckle at me and I pouted out my upper lip.

"Your such a drama queen" He teased as I huffed out a breath. I turned to face the window as I watched the buildings fly by. I heard him shuffle around as he pressed the radio. Guess what song was on oh yeah What Makes You Beautiful of course.

He turned the music up as I couldn't help but grin. "Your so self centered" I retorted as he gripped my chin. He tilted me to face his gaze as he sung to me. "Your insecure don't know what for your turning heads when you walk through the door" I snapped my head away as he released a chuckle.

"Your difficult" He joked as I turned he radio down. "Your weird" I smiled as we both began to sang. Honestly our voices sounded horrible together, mostly because we were trying to sound bad. Which we accomplished.

"That was the worst song ever" I spoke just as it ended. "I agree, but I hear the man in the band with curly hair is pretty smoking" He smirked as I gazed into his eyes innocently.

"Yeah Liam is cute" I swayed my words. His face became stern, "Liam doesn't have curly hair anymore." I rubbed his cheek while grinning.

"Oh my jealous Harry I was just kidding your the hottest one" I spoke as we turned into a parking lot. He turned off the car and turned to me. He collided our lips together and muttered 'you better be' into our kiss. I gripped some of his curls he gently pulled away and he decided to let us out.

"Don't move" He yelled as I began to open the door. I looked at his body running around the front of the car. you never know with this crazy boy. Once we reached my door he opened it with a bow.

"M'lady" I patted his head while hopping out. "Aren't you just full of surprises" He nodded his head as I looked around. We were on the pier, a long dock near the water. Shops and restaurant lined the wooden deck as I smiled.

He looked at me then held out his hand, I gripped it as we began walking. "I like the location this date is going well on your part" I smiled as we stepped onto the pier.

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