The boy incoherently mumbled something, until Mid interrupted him. "Nah speak the fuck up! Let them know what happened! Don't be embarrassed now muhfucka!" he raised his voice.

"I got robbed," the boy spoke up louder.

"Damn, that's tough." Bambi bursted into a fit of laughter, causing Mid to shoot her a look. "What? I'm pose to feel bad for his ass? Cause I don't,"

"Tell em why you got robbed," Mid gestured, slowly pacing around the room.

"I was talkin' to this girl—"

"Y'all hear that! He got robbed cause his dumbass was fuckin' tryna get his mack and on shit. What is the number one thing that I fuckin' stress when you out on that block? Huh? Anybody?" Mid held his hand out, for someone to answer.

I glanced around the dead silent room, these niggas look like they were ready to shit themselves. I knew how Mid was once his money was being played with, or when it came to the safety of the people up under him. Whenever he was hard on someone, it was never not for a reason, he genuinely wanted his people to be safe out on the streets.

"Be cautious of your surroundings," I spoke up, everyone turned to look at me, including Mid. He pointed towards me, looking at everyone else in the room.

"Lotus been gone for fuckin' two years, and she still remembers that shit. If she can remember that shit, I expect the same shit for y'all niggas. When you out on that block, always be cautious of yo' fuckin' surroundings! You ain't got time to be fuckin' mackin' or doin some otha' shit! He was lucky enough he only got robbed." Mid got in the boy's face.

"Consider yo' self lucky li'l nigga, but you bold as fuck coming back to this bitch without my shit—and for that, you gotta suffer the consequences. Get his ass outta here," he snapped his fingers at Boonie and Jon Jon.

"Wait! Mid!" he shouted being dragged out of the room.

"By who?" Another guy asked Midnight, Mid paused and narrowed his eyes at him.

"Does it matter?"

"I guess not." He sighed, looking away from Midnight.

"I mean he ain't recognize the dude?" Another guy questioned, Santos sucked his teeth as he folded his arms across his chest.

"Nigga of course he did, there's only one hood we beefin' wit' right now. Any more fuckin' questions?" Santos snapped, looking around the room at everyone else.

The room grew silent, causing Bambi to let out another chuckle, she always found shit like this amusing. Bitch couldn't stay serious for the life of her.

"Anyways, you'll get the names of those who bought from those niggas, they hit you up for business, let em' know Mid will no longer be supplying them. If they have an issue with that, tell em' they're more than welcome to take their complaints to either me, Bambi, or Mid himself." Gotti spoke up.

"Okay wait wait–" A boy interrupted, throwing his hands up, Midnight frowned noticeably growing tired of them interrupting him with dumb ass questions. He seemed like he was trying to be lenient but I could tell they were starting to piss him off. "So that's it? We not gone attack them? For stepping on our turf?"

"Attack," Bambi mocked him, causing the rest of the guys to laugh, "We're not going to do anything, we simply just congratulate them for starting another war with us." she shrugged.

"What?" he scoffed, twisting his face up, "What kind of bullshit is that?" A guy close by him, nudged him, indicating that he should stop talking. As the eyes of the rest in the room, grew wide. They all gave him a disapproving look, knowing Bambi ruthless ass was about to tear him a new one.

Midnights Lotus.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora