Chapter (26): What Do You Think Robert?

Start from the beginning

"What news?"

"Mr. and Mrs. Carlisle are officially divorced"

"Yeah, I know about that, Ave told me"

"Ave?" asked Robert and her eyes went wide.

She rubbed her neck. "Yeah, we are friends now"

"Ah, that's good, she needs a friend like you in her life, you are a good person Danni"

"Hmm, I'm not so sure, I'm that good"

"Why not?" asked Abigail.

"Let's just say nobody is perfect. Now, what do we have to do?"

"Mrs. Carlisle's usual breakfast"

"Okay, so we've got one omelet and...?"

"Nothing else, I already made her the coffee and you have the omelet to be done and she likes bread"


She grabbed the ingredients and started making the perfect omelet for her. Robert went to the garden to water the planets and Abigail went to clean the bedrooms. The back kitchen door opened and Chloe entered smiling when she saw Danni so engrossed in her cooking.

"Hey, sexy" she said.

"Hey, beautiful" She looked over her shoulder smirking.

"What are you doing? It smells delicious"

"Not more than you, I'm sure" She muttered under her breath and Chloe heard her.

"I heard that" She kissed her cheek leaving a lipstick mark on her cheek and she rubbed it for her. "Ready to tell my dad?"

"Yeah, just gimme a sec to finish this and I'm all yours"

"Good" She smirked. "I want you to be mine" She gave her a kiss on the lips and pulled away before anyone could see them.

"You owe me. That kiss was too short"

"Don't worry, I'll make it up to you" Her eyes lingered on her lips again and as she was drawing into another kiss, the door behind them swung open and came in Robert but he didn't see anything.

"Chloe! What are you doing here?"

"I came to see you, dad"

"Lovely as always" He kissed her cheeks and Danni finished.

"And it's done"

Robert took the plate and headed to Meredith, as he stepped out of the kitchen, Chloe held Danni's hand and looked down at their interlaced fingers then up to Danni.

"I'm ready" she said.

"Me too"

Robert came back and Chloe took a step towards him, feeling nervous and anxious but not as much as Danni.

"Dad, I need to tell you something"

"What?" he asked.

"Umm... Danni and I are dating" She offered her hand to Danni which she gladly took. "We've been dating for days and we weren't ready to tell you back then but now I want to know what do you think? Is it okay?"

He looked back and forth between them rubbing his chin. "I've got to say you took me by surprise dear but..." He looked at Danni then to Chloe. "I don't see why not"

She smiled widely at her father's word and went to her father hugging him which made him laugh as he was rubbing her back.

"Thank you, thank you" she said repeatedly.

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