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It felt like hours floated by with the faint noise of people around him. Something or someone was touching his hand, and why did he feel so cold. It felt like he ran through the sprinklers that sprayed cold water. Dib tried to open his eyes, tried to speak or move but all that he saw was darkness and heard nothing but noises buzzing together.

Zim held onto Dib's hand as everyone worked to keep him alive and to set him free. Zim was nothing without his human Dib. "D Dib" the irken called as the tears fell freshly down his face and onto Dib's now paled face. He wished he was able to just lift the beam off but there was so many people that he would surely be figured out.

The medic places a thermal blanket over Dib to try and keep him warm. Holding the bag to the respiratory mask, the medic kept squeezing it to keep air in Dib's lungs. Everyone was moving as fast as they could. People shouting and running about doing their job to save the young boys life.

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