Going to the Happy Hotel

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"Vox! My buddy! My right hand man?!" Alastor smiled.

"Ew, hell no. Don't lie to me you smiley bitch." Vox said as cords wrapped around some of the angels and electrocuted them.

"What are you doing here?! Shouldn't you be hiding?" Alastor questioned as they both fought.

"I was, with Valentino and Velvet until these feathered chicken winged bitched stepped on my turf!"

"And here I thought you were here to help." Alastor said killing an angel. "Aghgh!"

Vox turned around and saw Alastor clutching his side as he fell to his knees. An angel was in front of Alastor as it grabbed his chin about to stab him in the neck. Grabbing an angel's spear, Vox through it to the angel as it hit it in its back before wrapping its tentacles around the metal blade as it was electrocuted.

"Did you just save me you tv?!"

"Not a word boom box!" Vox said helping Alastor up. "This is only because it was on my turf. Now since the extermination is over, get off my turf before I actually kill you."

Alastor walked away before stopping in front of some TVs.

"Next up on 666 news, is hell's one and only princess as she is here for a special announcement on her latest project." Katie Killjoy said.

He walked down the streets before hearing Lucifer's daughter, Charlie singing some ridiculous song. Alastor laughed in amusement as she thinks demons can be redeemed and go good. Demons started noticing me and began fleeing. He turned and saw a sign that said "beware of the radio demon."

Alastor smiled in amusement at this.  He decided to go take a look at this project that Charlie was doing. He made his way to the so called Happy Hotel. Knocking on the door slowly it opened as he saw her.


The door was slammed shut before opening again.


The door once again closed as he heard Charlie speaking.



"-the radio demon is at the door! What should I do?"

"Wha-don't let him in."

Charlie opened the door.

"May I speak now?" Alastor asked politely.

"You may." Charlie said holding her head high.

"Well it's a pleasure to be meeting you sweetheart! Quite a pleasure! Excuse my sudden visit but I saw your fiasco on a picture show and I just couldn't resist. What a performance! Well I haven't been that entertained since the stock market crash of 1929, hahahaha. So many orphans."

"Stop right there! I know your games! And I'm not gonna let you hurt anyone here, you pompous cheesy, crazy talkshow shitlord!"

"Dear if I wanted to hurt anyone here, I WOULD'VE DONE SO ALREADY." The radio demon spoke as static and radio like noises came as he tilted his head.

Tell me how you think the story is, I will be updating or try to atleast once a week. Anyway it's late where I am so I'm going to head off.

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