Just Be A Teenager

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"Dude." I said, that hurt a little.

"I'm sorry, it's just that no one has taken any interest in us whilst sober. I wanna change that." Ned said.

"Go ahead, I'm just not ready to have my first drink yet. I wanna have my first beer in the sun with my Dad when I turn twenty-one, make it special." I told Ned.

"You're so traditional, Peter Benjamin Stark. As a friend, I admire that. But I can't wait for that." Ned said, I wasn't all that bothered. He can do what he wants, we had a designated driver and a sober best friend for him to lean on once he had too many.

"Well, I hope you have fun." I told him.

After a couple more minutes of cruising, we made it to the party. It was being hosted by some guy on the football team, he was a senior and we didn't know him personally but his sister sits next to me in English class and invited us here tonight so she knew some people. Me and Ned got out the car, I could here the sound of club music playing from inside.

"Thanks for the ride, Happy. I'll give you a call when we're ready to leave." I said leaning across towards the drivers side window.

"No problem, kid. It's not like I had anywhere else to be tonight, like my bed or whatever, just have fun and enjoy yourself. Don't do anything I wouldn't do." Happy said.

"But that won't leave me any options." I joked, stepping back onto the curb.

"See you later." Happy said before driving off. I turned to Ned who was waiting near the mailbox, we walked over towards the open front door where we were hit by the bright LED lights.

"Woah, this looks awesome!" Ned said in awe, this was a cool house.

"Look, there's Layla!" Ned said as he pointed to a girl leant against the kitchen island, she was the one who invited us.

"Come on, let's go say hi!" Ned said as he grabbed my wrist, pulling me across the hallway to the kitchen.

"Hey Layla, you look nice." Ned said politely, I think he liked Layla.

"Hi Ned, Hi Peter. So glad, you could make it." She said with a smile, she was your typical girl next door which I guess Ned liked.

"Thanks for inviting us." I said, I was still being a nice house guest.

"No problem, can I get you guys a drink? We have some punch, some cider, some beer." She listed as we looked at the drink selection spread out across the kitchen.

"Do you have anything stronger?" Ned asked, I think that for his first drink he should take it easy.

"Well, some of my brothers football buddies have broken into my Dad's liquor cabinet. I think we have some vodka?" She said. I quickly prodded Ned in the ribs.

"Dude, that's a little extreme for your first drink. Maybe you want to start off a little slower?" I suggested, whispering as I didn't want to seem like I was being his babysitter or something.

"Vodka would be great, thanks Layla." Ned said with a whole lot of confidence, it was well and truly his funeral. As Layla left to pour him a drink, I grabbed a red plastic cup from the middle of the stack and poured out some Pepsi straight from the bottle into it, I noticed a couple empty bottles around so I know I wasn't the only one going sober tonight. Unless there was some drink mixing going on.

"here you go, Ned. Is that enough vodka, do you want me to mix it with anything?" Layla asked as she handed him a red plastic cup half filled with straight vodka. Holy Macaroni!

"Nah, this is fine. Thanks Layla. Cheers everyone!" Ned said, toasting his cup before chugging the transparent spirit. I grimaced as I watched him drink it, imagining how this would mess up him body. He took one deep swallow before bursting out into a coughing fit, spluttering as he leaned forward. I rubbed his back with only one thing on my mind. Please don't vomit on my shoes, Ned!

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