"Classmate, are you okay?" She sweated a lot though? I crouched to approached her and try to have a slow talk.

"Are you sick?" My hand slowly pulled her arm so she could release her leg since she was shivering.

"Don't touch me!" My eyes turned bigger when she suddenly scolded me just because I was holding her arm. She harshly pulled back her arm that she accidentally pushed me back.

I lost balance that my butt landed on the groud as my body lightly leaned back. The right side of my forehead hitted the edge of table, on point.

That classmate looked at me and moved backwards, avoiding me. I felt something dripping off my head. A red drop.

My fingers touched my forehead and I looked at the palm of mine. "B-blood." My hand held the book I was reading just now, not minding the blood affect the cover.



"You shouldn't have tried to help that girl." I gave a hard slap on Lucas's back. What kind of statement was that?

"I'm fine now, it didn't hurt at all." I softly tapped the bandage on my forehead, proving him that it wasn't a bad injury.

Luckily Lucas came to my class just now. If he wasn't there, I might turn blank and just let the blood drop endlessly.

"After class.. I'll send you home." He rubbed the back of his neck, I bet he found it awkward to say that.

I chuckled at his cute behaviour. He was someone around my age but I couldn't deny the fact that he was acting like 5 years old kid. "I'm not straight away going home today."

His clueless face was asking for my explanation.

"I'm going to look around school before going home." I grinned in reply. He was messing up with my hair like treating a cat and nodded in agreement with my request.

Class ended really fast today, either I didn't pay full attention or the professor didn't give us a proper lesson, I don't know anymore. I rushed to packed my things and left the class. 

I looked out through the window, it was raining heavily and I didn't get to check the weather so yeah. Not even an umbrella is with me. 

I entered the music club room. Since the students were all taking their leave, I went inside. 

"Mom, I'm gonna prove you that music has a part of me." My fingers sweep the dust on piano. A common sad song I used to play when I was kid slowly being played by my fingers. They were running smoothly on the piano keys.

"So..he's the guy who own your heart?"

"You like him, right?"

Why did I suddenly think about that?

They must be crazy, why would I like him after all? I've never felt my heart racing or pounding when I was with him. They were obviously talking nonsense.

My fingers stopped when thunder started to keep going, which scares me a lot. I checked my watch, I didn't realize that I've been sitting here for quite long. I felt like I just entered a minute ago. Grabbing my bag with me, I left the room.

Just as I closed the door, I heard a loud sound of thunder deafening my ears. All source of lights around thiis floor seemed to be cut off in shock. I couldn't breath normally, the same unfortunate incident happened again. 

And I was really unlucky that all students have left the school, no one would probably notice me here. I couldn't see anything, it felt like everything has turned black in my vision. I wasn't familiar to this new school so I had no idea of where should I go to get out from this building.

I was trembling to death that I was weak enough to stand and walk properly. Leaning my back against the wall, I sat on the ground. My hands tried to get a phone from my bag but I failed to find it. I was dripping in sweat that the wound I had on my forehead hurts me a lot when the sweat touch it.

I couldn't help but cried as loud as I could. It was terrified to stuck in situation like this. I didn't know when can I ever overcome my phobia. It became worse after Jungwoo left me. Because before he left, he was that someone who would be by my side.

He always prepared a mini touch light in his bag or jacket so that whenever we were stuck in darkness, he could use it to pull me out from my fear. I hate having this kind of phobia because I felt like I prevented Jungwoo from everything. He couldn't bring me out to watch cinema like how other couples do and he couldn't have fun in haunted house. All were because of me. Maybe it's a good thing now that we've seperated.

I tried my best to stop my tears and walk slowly but whenever I stand up, I will end up falling again. Finally, I heard some footsteps rushing over me. A very loud running footsteps, blocking the sound of rain in my ears.

"I finally found you." I looked at the pair of sneakers in front of me, they were way too familiar. My head lift up slowly, scanning the person in front of me from the bottom feet to the hair. A smile finally formed on my lips.

"Did that model student accompany you in darkness too?"

Yes, he did.

Unintentionally Loving You || Lee TaeyongWhere stories live. Discover now