"Hi." He mutters shyly to Alex.

Truth to be told, the older boy was shocked but regain himself and offer a smile to the youngest boy. "Hey."

"You must be Alex?!" Cooper exclaims excitedly.

Lila rolls her eyes as she smacks the back of the boy's head. "You idiot! Dad already told us that he would bring him over." She huff.

The middle child narrows his eyes threateningly. "I will give you five seconds head start."

"Can you even count that high?"

"That's it!"

Lila quickly took off with Cooper chasing over her.

"Stop it both of you!" Laura shouts then gave a side look to Alex. "I'm sorry about that, I will- you know-" She chuckled awkwardly before walking over her wrestling children.

Alex was dumbfounded on why her apologizing to him then glance over his father who already looks over him along with the youngest Barton who still has a smile over his face.

"Come on, let's get inside before it got worse." The older Barton state as he took the duffle bag with his other free arm.

The older boy nervously fidgeting with his bag's strap and glance over the children who now no longer wrestling but rather was scolded by their mother but they didn't seem to mind as they now making faces at each other while the mother shakes her head but amusement wrote all over her face.

Feeling eyes on her, Laura spun and stare directly toward the older boy giving him a shrug with a smile. But much to her surprise, he jumps a little and quickly follows his father into the house making her frown in confusion.

Alex couldn't help but being more nervous as they all sat around the dining table with Clint over the end of the table with Nathaniel on his lap and much to his comfort, Cooper sat by his side but unfortunately for him, Laura sat right in front of him with Lila by her side.

Feeling the tense air around the table, Laura nudges her husband's leg which he gave her pleading look but she answers with a look that he couldn't argue with.

"Okay, well, as I already told you guys before." Clint starts making her wife roll her eyes over his choices of an ice-breaker. "This is Alex, your older brother."

"Cool." Cooper state in awe as he glances over Alex. "I have always wanted a brother!"

"You already have a sister." Lila narrow her eyes.

The younger boy reply by also narrowing his eyes. "Well, I want an older brother, dot." He stuck out his tongue making the girl lunge on top of the table only to behold down by their mother.

"Copper! Lila! That's enough." Laura gave them a look that dares them to act in such ways again.

"Sorry, mum." The mutter in sync.

A smile appears on the older woman's face as she glances over the older boy. "So, Alex. How old are you?" She asks randomly even when she already knows all about him from her husband as she passes a cup of tea for her husband and the boy.

"I'm 17 years old, just become one last month." The boy nervously states as he silently scratching the back of his hand under the table as his eyes couldn't meet her.

"Senior year huh? Any plans for college?"

"Well- I actu-"

"Oh sh-" Clint curse as his cup of hot tea was push over the older boy by little Nat who becomes bored and wants to play with his father by pushing the cup of his father's hand only for the content to spill over Alex.

The boy off his chair by the hot water and everyone in chaos as Lila and Cooper jump of their chair giggling while Laura's eyes widen as Alex starts breathing heavily with his body and eyes darting around nervously making her quickly approach him across the table to help him but as he look over and saw her form nearing him, he flinches and accidentally knocks his cup off the table making them scatter on the floor.

The room was silent as Alex seems to be on verge of tears as he starts apologizing and goes on his knees to pick the broken glass with his bare hands while apologizing again and again.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. Please, I will clean this up, please. I'm sorry."

The Bartons watch with their eyes widen at his suddenness and Clint is the first to snap out of his trace after seeing blood seeping down his oldest son's hand.

Clint passes the now lip trembling Nathaniel to his wife. "Bring the kids to their rooms." He state but Laura was on the verge of tears at the painful sight of the boy who still on his knees. "Laura go." He sternly adds which makes her snap out of thought and usher for Cooper and Lila to go to their room.

The oldest Barton slowly approaches his oldest son who still apologizing while picking the broken glass over his cloth. "Alex." He lowly calls over but he watches as the boy visibly flinch and a big piece of glass on his hand was clench tightly making blood drip down the floor.

"I'm sorry, please. Don't hit me, please. I'm sorry, I will- I- I will clean it all. So please-"

"Hey, hey it's okay. It's not your fault okay?" Clint slowly approaches Alex clenching's hand and softly pry open them which he grimaces at the amount of blood pouring out of his hand.

He also then notice the red mark on the back of his left hand which Clint guesses as his constant scratching them noting his nervousness that he catches from their first meeting along with Nat.

Swallowing the lump on his throat, he put away the bloody glass aside and watch as the boy's hands trembling furiously. "Oh, Alex," He breathed out feeling tears streaming down his face as he hugs the boy's trembling form. "What has she done to you?"


Laura was hugging Nathaniel who has started crying feeling that he has caused the older boy to be upset. "Shh, it's okay. Daddy is with him now."

"Mommy, Nat sowy." The little boy sniff as he peeks over his mother.

"I know." She kisses his head in reassuring. Thus, however she didn't know about the older boy stated after seeing him in such ways, it occurs to her what taken place on the boy's life that makes him live in such fear.

A soft creak from the door catches her attention. She turns only to see that Lila and Cooper standing by the door.

"Come here." She motion for them to get near which they gladly obey as they jump over the bed, nuzzling near their mother.

"Will Alex be okay, mum?" Lila asks in worry.

Laura glances around her children and watches the worry look on their faces. She smiles fondly feeling the pride that they already worry about their brother's well-being despite just meeting him. "He will." She confidently states. "We will be there for him and he will. Right now, your brother needs us, all of us. So we need to help him."

"Is a bad guy trying to get him?" Cooper asks with his eyes widen.

"I don't think the bad guy is the problem anymore." Laura's eyes soften. "The scars that left in him do."

A/N: Sorry that this story wasn't update for long time. I will try to balance the story with I'm not broken. This story connected with Eve's book so.. yeah. Let's see where it will goon too.

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