Chapter Two: What in the World?!

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"Xen! Xen, wake up! Class is over, doofus!", she yelled.

Xen slowly lifted his head and rubbed his eyes, "Wha?... What period is this?...".

"Its only third period and you're already struggling to keep your eyes open! Honestly I can't imagine how you're going to pass this year", she smiled teasingly.

"C'mon, Ariela! Cut me some slack, Grampa had me up till 2:00 am this morning training!", Xen replied in defense.

"Well, you'll have to find a way to stay awake", she said before she put both her hands on his shoulders and finished seductively, "or I will".

Xen smiled and gave Ariela an obviously wanted kiss. He gathered his things and left the class.

Ariela followed behind and grinned, "So, wanna head to the library after school?".

Xen shrugged his shoulders and replied, "Sorry, hun. I kinda promised my grandad I'll do something after school. But tomorrow, right?".

Ariela looked down and said, "No, I'm going to my aunt's wedding".

"Oh...", Xen replied. Ariela looked disappointed and glared at the floor.

Xen moved in front of her and wrapped his hands around her waist so that they formed sort of a semi-hug. He placed his forehead on hers, the way she liked it, but her disappointed frown stayed put.

"C'mon... What's wrong?", he asked

"Its just... We never have time for each other like we used to", she pouted.

Xen grew a frown as well as he knew it was true. He felt bad, but he was the descendant of Goku, the youngest in the Son family. If anything happened to Earth, it was in his hands to protect it. Training definitely should be his #1 priority. Shouldn't it? Earth has been peaceful for almost two centuries now, what were the chances that it'd need protecting in his lifetime? But then again, the lives of billions wasn't something to tamper with. It was his responsibility to make sure Earth was protected no matter what.

"I know, and I'm sorry", he said. "But hey, I'll clear my schedule for the day after. K?".

Ariela thought about it for a moment and started to smile, "Ok!". They shared another kiss and Xen headed off to his next period.

After school, Xen walked Ariela home, "I guess I'll see you tomorrow ".

She smiled and said, "Yeah, see you tomorrow, doofus. And catch some sleep tonight, k?".

Xen let out a small chuckle, "Yeah ok". He gave her one last kiss and watched her walk inside her house. He stood there and stared at the door, as if waiting for her to come back out. He didn't realize what he was doing. He stood there for about three minutes before he even thought of moving. And even when he did, all he did was smile and scratch an itch behind his ear.

He suddenly broke out of the trance he was in. He squatted down into a ball and launched fifty feet into the air, slowly starting to fly.

"Wooohoooo!", he screamed as he floated in the middle of the air. He ruffled his hair and looked up into the sky's stars.

"Heheh...", he giggled, still thinking about Arielle. He darted west, where his home was located and flew all the way home.

Meanwhile, in a small, round house somewhere in the mountains, sat an old man with a long, grey goatee and luscious eyebrows.. He was meditating, focusing immensely and wouldn't move a centimeter, no matter what.

'Ahh... The wondrous world of a wise mind, it's been so long. I've been waiting weeks to get a good meditation on, with all the training, teaching aside. I feel... Soothed, a sensation that's been as far away from me for as long as I can remember. I can finally recline without having to worry about Xen... What's that?... Is that?... Xen?... Oh no...', he thought to himself, starting to feel Xen's energy approach.

"Wooohooo!", he continued to chant as he came closer and closer to the tall, round mountains. "Grandpa, I'm hoooome!".

"Give me a break", the old man sighed and stood up from his meditation. He walked across the small house/room and opened the front door. Just as he expected, the first thing he saw was Xen's body shooting towards the front lawn. He slowed to a stop and began to float in front of the door and old man.

"Hey, Grandpa Xanu!", he said nervously, ruffling in his signature Son nappy hair. "Hehe... Sorry I'm late, I had to run some errands".

Grandpa Xanu shook his head and sighed, "I have some errands of my own for you to run. Its very serious and I don't need you messing anything up! So listen closely...".

A smile quickly grew across his face and he presumed, "Ooh! What is it? Is it an adventure? Will it be fun? Wait, lemme guess, you want me to travel to a planet solar systems away, defeat an evil space dictator, and achieve an legendary Saiyan transformation? What is it, what is it?".

Xanu shook his head again and sighed laughingly, "No, it's much more important... I need you to collect wheat from my crop fields".

Xen fell to the ground in disappointment, "Awwwww but whyyy?".

• • •

Xen wiped sweat off of his forehead and looked up into the stars. "Man, this is bunk! The youngest in the Son family, the oh-so-mighty protector of the planet is collecting crops when he should be exploring the galaxy, looking for evil to vanquish", he preached just before he looked back down and pulled another handful of freshly grown wheat out of the soil and stuffed it into a sack.

He exhaled a large yawn and fell to the ground. "Maybe a short, little nap won't hurt".

Hours later, something mysterious came across him. In his dream, everything turned black, pitch black. Xen was alone in the darkness, no one was around him.

He heard nothing, except a constant hissing noise. 'Ssssssssssss! Sssssssssss!', was all to be heard. Xen looked around to see where the noise was coming from, but there was nothing. Soon, a translucent image, about the size of him, appeared in front of Xen. It was a dark gray face with bright, white eyes. He had ancient black markings on the bags under his bottom eyelids. It was Lord Fordock.

Xen froze in place, even though he didn't know who the strange figure was. He floated there, in the dark, pitch black room and stared at the giant, grey face.

"So Xen is what they call you?...", whispered the grey figure.

Xen shifted back for a moment, the face's voice had a menacing low base and a sharp gust of cold air as chilly as the winter winds.

He shivered and replied, "Y-Yes... And w-who are you?...".

The figure of Fordock smirked and ignored the young one's question. Instead of answering he said, "Ssssaiyans... Your time has come".

Xen gave the figure a curious look and then a solid frown. He clenched his fist and threw a punch at Fordock, but before it landed, the figure vanished into grey and white smoke. The gravity then increased and Xen wasn't able to fly anymore.

He started to fall at a high speed and the view below him started to look like earth again. As he got closer, he could see his unconscious body lying on the ground.

"Aaahhhhhh!", he screamed as he came closer to himself. He fell into his body and suddenly his real eyes popped open just before he jumped off the ground. He gasped for air and fell to his knees.

"What... The heck... Was that?...".

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