"Bane Alexander Haught." He answers.

"And what do you think of your grandfather's proposal? Do you want to give up on your mate?" Dad asks... why is he not saying no! That's the answer! Who cares what he thinks!

"My mate is dead... I never met her... I just know... I want someone... I want a mate. A Luna... My grandfather is in charge until I am proven. This is what he thinks is best." Bane answers.

"I asked what you think." Dad responds.

"I want someone to love me... I don't want a union purely for political ties or for the power of the royals... I want a mate... I'm just not confident that will happen." He says.

"You will do what I say boy! What is best for the pack!" Ronald hisses at his grandson then turns to my Dad. "Do we have a deal?"

"My daughter is her own person. If she chooses him I will support it if not I won't." Dad answers. Go Dad!

"They are children! She won't find a better match!" Ronald yells.

"She is grown and very capable of deciding her own future. My one condition is that you, Ronald, will have no contact with my daughter. Bane can make his own proposal to her and she can decide what to do." Dad tells him.

"Matthias take Ronald to his room in the west wing. Atticus show Bane to one in the east wing." Dad orders my brothers.

"You can't separate us! He is my responsibility!" Ronald protests.

"For what? Three months? Then you step down. He is the Alpha. It's his future you are talking about... and I don't like you. I haven't decided about him but if you stick around him I'm afraid my opinion of you may rub off on him. If you want Bane to even meet my daughter you will do it my way. You're lucky I'm not just throwing you out for thinking I'd ship my Emily off against her will." I can tell he is mad but he delivered his speech with such calm it is eerie.

"Fine!... but I want a decision soon." Ronald says as he storms out.

"Thank you sir." Bane says shyly. "When can I meet Emily?... I'd honestly rather discuss this with her. Meaning no offense, sir... it's just like you said it's her future we are talking about." Dad chuckles.

"How did you come from the same blood as your grandfather... or your father for that matter? He wasn't much better." Dad asks.

"I don't know sir... I'm just different I guess." He looks away like he is ashamed of that fact.

"Hold your head up. You are better than them from what I've seen. Don't let him control you. Be your own man and you will do fine whether she accepts you or not." Dad tells him.

"Thank you sir... so when..." dad cuts him off talking to Addy.

"Take him to the dining hall. Emily will be there shortly." Dad tells him. Atticus nods and leads Bane out.

I crawl out of the vent and run to the office. I don't even knock I just walk in.

"Ahhh Meme what a surprise!" He says grinning as I enter.

"Soooo... what was the meeting about?" I ask.

"Emily." He says with a smile. "How long are we going to pretend I don't know you attend most of my meetings?" My jaw drops.

"I... what?... I mean what ever do you mean?" I ask.

"I've been able to smell you from about the time you turned twelve. I'm not sure how long you were doing it before that but it explains how you always seem to know what's going on." Dad says.

"I was 8 when I figured it out... why didn't you say anything?" I ask. He just shrugs.

"All you had to do was ask me what was going on and I would have told you. I have few secrets and I knew you were there. It didn't hurt anything to let you listen." He explains.

"So Bane?" I ask.

"It's your decision. Mate him, date him, or send him packing. I know it's hard now days. I know many people no longer have mates out there. So I leave it to you. Let me know what you decide." He tells me. I give him a hug.

"Thank you daddy." I say.

"Go! Meet the boy." He says pushing me towards the door.

"Do you think he is a good man?" I ask as I reach the door frame.

"I think he could be... you need to decide for yourself. I'm a little biased due to a dislike for his family. If he acted like them you wouldn't even be meeting him. So talk to him and make up your own mind." Dad tells me. I nod and leave heading to the dining hall.

"Ahem." I clear my throat to get the attention of the boy in front of me. He looks up from his untouched plate and smiles.

"Hello... I'm sorry am I in your seat or something?" He looks me up and down... by the look in his eyes he likes what he sees. To be honest I like what I see too. He is tall, more of a swimmer's body than the outright bulk of your typical Alpha, grey eyes and dark hair.

"No." I say sitting next to him. "My name is Emily." I offer my hand. "Its nice to meet you Bane."

His jaw drops and he sets his fork down to shake my hand.

"The pleasure's all mine!" He says eagerly.

"So my dad says you have something to talk to me about." I tell him pretending I don't know what he wants.

"Yes... well... can we go for a walk? I can feel your brother trying to burn me alive with his eyes." He says nodding towards an angry looking Atticus. I chuckle.

"Of course. Come with me." I say pulling him up by his hand. I walk by Atty and he goes to stand. I put my hand on his shoulder. "Oh no you don't! Sit... Stay... Good boy!" I pat him on the head earning me a growl. "Do you need me to throw you around again today?" I ask.

"No." He grumbles.

"Well than leave me alone. I got this." I tell him. His gaze shifts from me to Bane.

"Link me if he tries anything and I'll have an army ready to kill him." Atty says staring at Bane.

"He won't." I say looking over to Bane and back. "And if he does I'll kill him. I'll link you for the clean up crew tho!" Atty shakes his head but let's us leave.

I take Bane to the garden and we sit on a bench.

"Better?" I ask.

"Much." He responds running a hand through his hair.

"So what did you want to say to me?" I ask him.

"Well... I'm not sure where to start this was more my grandfather's idea... I am an Alpha... or I will be. My mate is dead. I'm looking for a Luna. Now before you respond let me finish! I'm not asking you to be my mate... at least not yet, but I'd like to have the opportunity to get to know you... see if we even like each other." He rambles.

"And what about my mate?" I ask.

"How old are you?" He asks.

"18" I respond.

"If you choose to date me we won't do anything for a year. You travel with your father as he visits the packs. If you find your mate I back off. If you don't and you decide you still like me we make the decision from there. True Mates are to be treasured. I wouldn't dream of robbing you of that." He explains.

"That sounds fair... you seem like a good guy. I don't want to hurt you if I find my mate tho..." I trail off unsure.

"You won't! I hope you find your mate! and if you do I'm gone the next day. I won't stand in the way but I still think we could be friends. Please give this a chance?" Bane begs.

"Ok... a chance... sooooo... how do you want to start?" I ask.

"A date?" He says grinning at me.

"Why Mr. Alpha are you asking me out?" I giggle.

"Miss Emily Grayson, would you do me the honor of going out to dinner with me tonight?" He asks with a full blown smile as he kisses my knuckles.

"I'd love to."

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