Being a couple

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Your POV

I showered and the Reid guy still wasn't back. Kinda werid, probably trying to figure a way out of being here but I won't let him. I'll make dinner but let's see who this Reid guy is. I go to my computer and look him up it was kinda hard without a first name but he came up. Spencer Reid known for his intelligence and getting his job in the FBI. Interesting. I set the table. It'll be fun to mess with him since they can't do any personal digging, they don't know how me and Jeffery worked. Hehe. I hear the door knob move. It's either him or a murder. Let's see, my chances haven't really been that good in a while but it ended up being him so I guess I'm lucky. I guess he doesn't expect me cause he walks in and gets kinda shocked when I walk up to him and say "welcome home honey, it's been a while since I've said that. Hasn't it?" Made me kinda said that I wouldn't be able to say it to the actual Jeffery but... Life could be cruel and for some reason especially to me. Reid or well "Jeffery" Doesn't know what to say. "Yeah... I've missed it" He says. "I've made dinner, it's your favorite" I said. "Really you made... " He started probably forgetting he doesn't know an answer. "Chicken Tandoori. Do you not like it anymore? " I said pretending to be sad. "No it just that I didn't want you to get tired because of cooking" He said. He actually has good points, he's a good liar. He's as smart man, I know that already. But we eat and he enjoys the food. They don't even go in that deep for going under cover, Jeffery was a vegetarian he would never eat this. But we finished and we walked and I said we should watch a movie. Half way through the movie. I decide I should tease him a bit. I move closer to him. "You're acting really weird today babe" I said. "How" He said. "You always want to ravage me. Why not now?" I said turning to him and sit on his lap. I see his face, he doesn't know what to do. "The doctor said you cant have rigorous activity right now" He said. "Aww too bad right. Guess we have to wait" I said whispering the last bit in his ear. I could feel him sweat and get worried. I would take this further cause it's fun but I also kinds feel like I'm cheating even though Jeffery is probably gone. I stay in his lap though while we finish the movie. And I pretend to be asleep again. They need to become better detectives. He lifts me off him and lays me done on the couch and gets up to take a call. "I told you I cant do this. I feel bad" He said in the phone. "Well, yeah... Hey hey hey no no no. Don't say that.... I hate this job.... She's a good cook though" He said I think. It's hard to hear a conversation on a phone. But he was there. I couldn't hear the rest but I think that's the point of a phone call.
After a while i actually fall asleep. Can't believe it I, wanted to see what he would do. But I wake up and fine a letter. "Had to go to work, don't cook I'll pick something up" It said. What's he gonna get. If fun to see how different they are but I feel bad about it. I decide I should go to work. Hehehe. He probably doesn't even know I work.

You go to work. *work*

I go back home and I don't know what do I do. I need to act natural. So I cleaned. It was already the afternoon. When is the proper time to make dinner. Or is it time for lunch? I dont this know. I'mma just make food.


Reid didn't come back for a while. So I was just doing nothing. But he came and it was time for the show. "Why'd you take so long honey? " I asked. "It was work and I brought food. "He sair. "But I thought you would want to be together longer and that you would skip work like you normally do."I said. He looked worried. "I had to finished something" He said not confidently. "Oh ok" I said. Hehehe this guy is hilarious. His reactions are so random too. This is gonna be a fun two weeks. I could play with him for a while. Let's see our adventures. I feel like it will be *fun*.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2020 ⏰

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