13 | first meal of the day

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"Eat up, President Takeuchi!" Kanna handed you a meat bun, "Kenji-kun makes the best food," she added.

"T-Thank you," you muttered, "But I really don't want to eat."

"You might get sick, Y/N-chan," she clicked her tongue.

"So where's Shirabu-san?" you tried changing the topic as you sat on the couch.

"He's in university," she answered, "I have to go to the hospital soon too, I work, you know.

"I see," you nodded and she went back to the kitchen.

You stretched your arms and legs, deliberating if you should even show up at work.

"Ah, President Takeuchi, can you get that?" you heard Kanna.


"Someone's at the door," she raised her voice.


You got up from the couch and walked to the door. It couldn't be Wakatoshi, right? He has training and he's still probably as mad as you are. Neither of you has left the house like that so you were unsure. You repressed your hopes though, not wanting another disappointment.

You finally opened the door and you were taken aback, it was Secretary Dan.

"D-dan?!" you exclaimed and took a step back.

"I've been looking everywhere for you," he panthed and spoke, "I told you to tell me about your whereabouts, didn't I?" he scolded.

"W-what are you doing here? How did you know I was here?"

"I was informed that you were close friends with the Fujiwaras. I had to ask Kyo-san," he answered. Fujiwara Kyo was Kanna's eldest brother.

"I tried contacting TK affliated hotels and none of them had any idea where you were," he explained.

"You really didn't have to do-"

"I was worried, Director."

"A work thing too?" you mumbled and shook your head.

"President Takeuchi, what's going on?" you heard Kanna approach.

"Oh, who's this?" she asked.

"Good morning, I am Araki Dan. Nice to meet you, Lady Fujiwara."

"Oh, he knows me?"

"He's my secretary," you introduced.

"Oh! I see. Are you here to pick up President Takeuchi?" she asked.

"President Takeuchi?" he raised a brow.

"That'd be me. She still calls me like that," you clarified.

"Ah, well supposedly, yes," he answered politely.

"Do I really have to go to work?" you whined like a child.

"Kanna-san, can I use the shower?

"Sure, sure," she enthusiastically said, "Do you have work clothes though?"

"I don't."

"You can borrow mine, President." Kanna walked to her room, probably to go get clothes, "And oh, you should come in, Araki-san!"

After less than an hour, you were ready to go to work, though you still had an empty stomach. You put on the all white formal work clothes Kanna lent you, contrary to the dark clothes you usually wore.

"It's all white," you muttered and looked at yourself.

"You look like an angel," Kanna chuckled, almost like a mocking tease.

"Let's go, Director," Dan spoke and stood up.

"Is the driver here?" you asked and walked to him.

"No, but I borrowed the company car, President," he answered.

"You sure have a reliable secretary, President," Kanna commented.

"What are you? Jealous?" you asked and raised a brow.

"I was a good secretary too, right?" she pouted.

"Yes, yes," you shook your head.

After a while, you arrived downstairs, near where Dan parked the car. He opened the door for you.

"Oh, what's this?" you lifted a plastic bag lying at the back seat.

"Onigiri," he answered as you sat down.

"I brought that in case I found you lost or something, Director," he added while starting the car.

"And my little sister made that. So it's not much," he continued.

"Really?" you mumbled, looking at him through the mirror.

"Yes," he answered, looking back at you.

"Me? Lost in Miyagi?" you smiled and chuckled for the first time today.

"Thank you, Secretary Dan," you spoke before eating the first meal of the day.

Your work day surprisingly went on just like how it usually does. You go to your office, review paperworks, and make reports of your own. Just because you had personal problems doesn't mean you couldn't function.

You planned on staying going home after working and maybe, just maybe, you could finally patch things up with Wakatoshi.

As you worked on your desk, you heard your phone ring. You sighed and lifted your fingers from the keyboard.

It was an unknown number. You hesitated even more to pick it up.

"Hello?" you spoke.

"Ah, Y/N-chan, can you go pick up your husband here?" Tendou spoke.

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