"Am I embarrassing you?" Louis laughed.

"You're embarrassing yourself," Harry grinned.

"What do you mean..." Louis swivelled his head around to see Niall filming the two. "NIALL!" Louis screeched. "You videoed that?! Delete it right now!"

"Not a chance," Niall smirked, flicking his phone off and shoving it in his pocket. "More Larry proof."

"Larry proof?" Louis questioned.

"Yeah, Larry. You and Harry's ship name," Niall laughed.

Harry blushed. "Niall, it's not like-"

Niall raised his eyebrows at Harry and Harry paused, and glared at the blond haired boy.

"Ship name?" Louis laughed. "Sounds fun."

Harry shook his head fondly and forgot about wanting to kill Niall for a little while.

The boys continued walking, and Harry noticed Liam and Zayn were in deep conversation. They were probably sick of Louis and Harry's antics.

At that moment, a squirrel ran past Harry's feet and towards another tree.

"A squirrel!" Harry squealed, and approached the fluffy little creature, trying not to intimidate it. "Don't move little squirrel... I'm nice, I promise!"

"No, Harry," Louis facepalmed, remembering what happened last time Harry had tried to catch a squirrel.

"C'mon little one," Harry cooed, getting closer to the squirrel. Surprisingly, the squirrel stayed in the same spot, and actually seemed pretty calm.

"Oh my god," Harry whispered, and grinned at the boys. He reached his hand out a little further, and stroked its soft fur. "Should I pick it up?"

"If it takes to you I'm not helping you clean yourself up," Louis shrugged, giggling. "But go ahead."

Harry wrapped his hands around the squirrel's tiny body carefully, and lifted it up gently. "Oh my fucking god!" He cooed. "It's so cute!"

Louis moved closer to Harry cautiously. He didn't trust squirrels that much. "I can't believe that hasn't attacked you yet," Louis laughed.

"He loves me," Harry said softly. "I'm his favourite."

Harry began to walk slowly over to the other boys, who were watching intently, amused. Harry was staring at the little creature in his arms the whole time, and didn't see the branch he was about to collide with.

"Harry!" Louis said, seeing that Harry was about to walk into the branch.

"What?" Harry said and looked up just in time to see Louis wince and hear his shirt tear. Harry looked down at the now torn shirt, which had ripped pretty badly, and now was two rags hanging off his body. "Take the squirrel," Harry laughed, and handed the animal to Louis.

"No way!" Louis said, and backed away slightly.

Harry gave Louis his best puppy dog eyes. "Is little Louis scared?"

Louis gulped. "No! It.. it just probably has diseases."

"Get over it," Harry laughed and passed the squirrel to Louis gently.

"No!" Louis squealed, now holding the squirrel in his arms.

"That is possibly one of the cutest things I have ever seen in my life," Harry said softly.

"What? Me or the squirrel?"

"Both," Harry whispered, barely audible, and grinned.

"Can I put it down?" Louis whined. "It might want to get back to its family."

Camping Anyone? // Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now