"I was catching up on a most needed sleep." I answer them before unpacking my food. God! These smell and looks good, I can't wait to start eating.

I haven't done much in the last two days. I've been sleeping a lot and every time I wake up it's like I haven't slept at all. I guess having nothing to do have change how I do things. I've only been here for two days and I already my life will suck because I'm so bored out of my mind. I can't do anything except from draw because frankly that's the only thing I can do right these days.

"Why are you having a salad?" Ari asks, changing the topic with commenting on my sleep schedule.

Why am I having a salad? I love to know what is inside the thing I consume and since this is my first time tasting the cafeteria food, I need to start from the easiest. The greens.

"I got burger too." I add in case if the salad is the only thing she can see.

"You are weird." Both of them say.

I raise my eyebrows in question. "I'm weird? Have you two met yourselves?"

What's weird about what I just said? This just tells me more about them, which probably just gave me more things to think about. They are the only people that talks to me at the moment and I'm not sure how I feel about it. They are everything I'm not and don't need in my life. I've said it before and I'll say it again, the only thing stopping them from being the same person is the separate bodies.

Ari smiles and parts her lips to speak but her smile fades. "Freak show, nine o'clock." She warns.

That makes me laugh even if I'm a bit confused. "What's a f-"

I stop talking when someone slams their hand down beside my tray, my now open and ready to eat food. My gaze follow the hand to it's owner, I don't have to look, I can smell shit from a thousand mile.

"Hello Penelope," the irritation is obvious. What does she wants now? I don't bother to ask her as my gaze goes to the third girl that follows her and Alyssa. "Hey there third girl, my name is Cami, I'm Alyssa's roommate."

"You are in our sit." Penelope says, not wasting time.

In their sit? What is this, a personal cafeteria where everyone get to own where they done?

I look at the girls for confirmation. Brie gives me a small shake to know that they are liars. Ari is looking as if she waiting for her favorite show to start and Roman isn't doing anything, he is just staring at his empty plate.

I turn my head and look up to Penelope. "I'm sorry." It isn't as sincere as I make it sound. "I didn't see your name on it." I reply.

She's seems surprise or maybe it's shock, but she feels something at my reply. She wasn't expecting that kind of comeback. She should have known I wouldn't back down, I guess Alyssa didn't tell her how our first meeting went.

I know people like Penelope and Alyssa, they are the most popular, stylish and probably the captain of the cheerleading squad. I am them in my old school and all the people I surrounded myself with are mean fucking bullies. I know she's going to give me a reply or do something I won't like, but as the time goes on, nothing comes from her mouth.

"That what I thought." I say with the thought of her backing off. "Nice talk girls, we should do this again sometimes but remember not to mess with me, I can be a nasty fucking bitch when I'm pissed off." I meant for it to come out as a threat but it came out as a warning. Whichever one they choose to accept, I'm okay with it as long as they get the message I'm trying to pass.

Penelope's eyes widen and she leans back, taking her hand off the table. I'm happy they chose the easy way because I was kind about what I said, bitch Cami is my favorite.

When I'm sure there isn't going to be trouble, I turn to my food, catching the surprise look on Brie and Ari's faces, Roman is still acting like nothing is going on but if I wasn't concentrating, I wouldn't have noticed the way he's fist and his jaw clenched. He looks angry but I don't know why and since he hasn't written anything in glitter message for me or slip into my head, I know it's not me he's angry at me.

Whatever, I don't have time to waste on analysing Roman, I've got better things to do like food.

I put the fork in my salad and raise it to my ready parted mouth. I moan as my lips closes around the fork before slipping it out. It's like I haven't eaten in–

My thoughts cut short when I see something liquid pour from above. In horror, I watch the liquid go into my salad. The giggles happening behind me just angers me more as Penelope empty the orange juice all over my tray, and goes as far as dropping the bottle on my lap.

"Not so tough now, are you?" She whispers the words in my ear, not liking the feel of her breath on me.

I smile painfully because the pain I'm feeling right now is next level. All day I've been looking forward to lunch and some bitch thinks she can just mess up my day. Nuh uh.

"What did I just say about messing with me?" I push my tray forward and stand up.

"Camille, don't!" Brie and Ari warns like they know what I'm about to do.

I ignore them and turn around to look at the girls with my fingers curls inward in a tight fist. Penelope is wearing a satisfying expression on her face. "You just wasted my lunch and all you have to say is that I'm not so tough." I try to keep my composure, I really do but the next words out of her mouth just snaps the last thread I'm using to keep calm.

She crosses her arm over her chest. "Watch how to speak to me, in here people like you don't matter. People like me eat girls like you for breakfast. You think you're so tough because you can run your mouth, but not in here because you are in my kingdom bitch." She says, not sounding like the princess I made her out to be. "Nice talk girl, we should do it again sometime."

Oh hell fucking no.

She moves to leave but I don't know let it happen as I pull her back and connect my fist with her jaw, I swear I hear a bone crack.

This gets people's attention. Everyone standing up from their seat and moving our direction, murmuring and whispering to each other.

"You bitch!" She screams and cover her mouth, I see her minions cower behind the audience we have.

I smirk in satisfaction. "Not so tough now, are you? Who's the bitch now?"

I take threaten steps towards her, she moves back. "This was your kingdom but I'm here now, it's my motherfucking queendom, bitch. Read my lips, if you ever try to do that to me again, I'll do more than break your jaw. Do I make myself clear?"

This is how you make a statement. With your words and fist. Doing this will change the way people see you and right now I know everyone is already judging me inside. It's a good thing I don't give a toss what they think about me. I've said what I said, anyone with problem should face me and I will let them know I'm not a nice person.

Penelope nods as tears rolls down her cheek. "Good. We are done here." I sigh and turn back with my eyes shut as satisfying as that was, I can't help but feel, I don't know, guilty? Am I supposed to feel like that?

I don't get answer the question when I hear someone clear his throat. I open my eyes slowly and gasp when I see Headmaster Wallace standing in front. And boy, he does not look happy.

"Oh shit."

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