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THE AIR WAS cold outside, and Evangeline couldn't understand at all how her cousin could stand to be wearing only a thin long-sleeved shirt. She was bundled up in a thermal shirt, a knit sweater, a wool overcoat and a scarf, and she was still shivering. Her son was in Casper's arms, face buried on his neck, wearing just as many clothes as his mother, as well as a dark blue beanie that protected his ears.

They were making their way to the picturesque house where they would be having dinner, owned by Leah's cousin and the same friend that she'd heard mentioned by Quil. Evangeline was regretting not having taken the car, the walk was short, not even ten minutes, but she'd underestimated how cold it would be after sundown. She was definitely going to pester Leah for a ride home, not above using her son to convince her friend.

"This was a really poor decision," she mumbled, hands tucked into the pockets of her coat.

"I'm sure it'll be fine, you said Leah's nice, so her cousin must be too, right?" Casper misinterpreted her words, and Evangeline was pretty certain it was on purpose if the teasing grin on his face was any indication.

"I know you don't agree with me on Leah being nice, but Emily has Quil's endorsement, and I know you like him." While Evangeline hit it off with the Quileute woman, Casper had most definitely not. The 'bright' side was that Leah felt the same way about him, so no feelings were being hurt. "Besides, Leah's not the biggest fan of her cousin, so that alone should make you like her."

Leah hadn't been too forthcoming about the situation, telling Evangeline about her feelings when everything happened, but nothing of how she currently felt about it. The woman knew a lot of it from the gossip mill, but not the details, no one truly knew what had happened. Evangeline didn't want to pressure her new friend about it, wanting to do as Leah had done for her, and wait until she was ready to share, and when the time came, she would listen.

"That woman looks like she hates everyone, so I'm not surprised." At Evangeline's glare, Casper held one of his hands up in mock defense, the other being needed to hold his nephew. "Don't glare, you know it's true. The only person I've seen her not look at with contempt is you."

"Maybe because I'm nice to her, unlike you." At this Casper huffed.

"I was nice to her! And she insulted me! So of course I stopped being nice to her, I'm no masochist."

"She didn't insult you Cas, stop being overdramatic."

"Implying Casper Jr. is small most definitely counts as an insult," he protested, making Evangeline laugh.

"Men and their easily bruised egos." She mumbled, shaking her head.

The trio arrived at their destination, the sun was only beginning to set, but the lights inside were on. There were only three cars in the driveway, and Evangeline hoped one of them belonged to Leah so she would have her ride later.

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