"Why should I?"

"My chips are on Arno."

He nods. "Exactly." He taps on the keyboard and a different chart appears. "This is the real plan."

"Does Jose know?"

"It's his plan. His brother, Jaxon, is there to keep tabs on Arno."

"Wait? They're brothers? They look nothing alike." Jose's head is shaved, so it's difficult to compare hair texture and color. I suppose the two are about the same height and of similar build, but the same could be said for Neil and Jose. Eye color was different. Jaxon had the black eyes, while Jose's were light brown. Easy enough to fix with fake contacts. Facial features were difficult to read, as Jaxon sported a full beard to Jose's light scruff. In all, I suppose if I'd really studied the two men, I'd have found a resemblance. The differences were subtle and believable.

Neil shrugs. "Then I guess we aced Disguises 101."

"What do they know about me?"

"All I've given them for now is that your name is Danny Russell, and we were in the military together. Once this gig's up, I'll introduce you again."

"And Arno?"

"Came to me about a year and a half ago. Smart guy, but not smart enough to figure out I'd be able to find out everything about him right down to how many dust bunnies are under his bed. Thinks he's gonna work both ends. He's greedy. He hasn't spilled anything to Zimm yet, but Jaxon expects him to plant enough doubt and info that Zimm will take him under his win, and he'll get a cut of the deal and split town before the ax falls. It works to our advantage."

"Hence the bad info."

Neil claps his hands three times. "And they called you the dumb one."

"What? Who called me that?" I get the sudden urge to punch someone.

He laughs. "No one. Just sounded good. Plus it got a good response."



I mull over plans A and B on my way back to the condo. Halfway home it occurs to me I was so absorbed I'd barely thought of Delilah all afternoon. About time. My dick needed a reprieve from it's constant hard-as-nails status. Also, it puts my mind at ease that I'm able give one hundred ten percent focus. However, as the miles tick by, details of the job are erased by everything Delilah.

We have a date in the gym for another boxing lesson tonight. Delilah is learning to pack a mean punch, and her footwork is amazing for a beginner. All the guys have figured out when we're gonna be there and strategically place themselves at the closest stations possible to gawk. Can't say I blame 'em, but if they think they've got a chance with my Delilah, they're fools. That guy Ben gave us a disgusted look and stomped out of the gym the day after our cocktail encounter. Pretty sure he figured out he'd been suckered into dropping his feeble pursuit. It was tough to keep a straight face when I insinuated she was my wife. Not so tough to pull her close and have an excuse to kiss her, even if it wasn't on the lips I'm dying to test drive. Shit. Rock hard once again. At this rate, my dick is going to be broken by the time I get to use it on a woman again. As I swing into the condo parking garage, I give myself an angry squeeze, hoping against odds it'll deflate. No such luck. Guess I'll be stepping onto the elevator with yet another boner to camouflage.

I manage to make my way to the condo without embarrassing myself. I'd like to take a cold shower, but since I'm heading to the gym, doing so would raise questions I'm not willing to answer.

"You took a shower before working out, James?" Delilah bats lashes innocently.

"Yeah. Kinda had to."

Delilah's TearsWhere stories live. Discover now