Chapter Sixteen

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Jack stood speechless for a few moments. He was just heading to hers and here she was, looking as beautiful as ever. She wore a white sundress, her beautiful hair in a bun on top of her head. She wore a clear pinkish lipgloss and a little eyeliner. Simple but gorgeous, just the way Jack liked her. She was like a drop of fresh cool water in the hottest desert. An absolute breath of fresh air and Jack just lost himself staring at the beauty that she was.
"If this isn't a good time, I can always come back." Lisa was clearly misunderstanding his silence.
"No, come on in." Jack stepped aside for Lisa to come through and her scent nearly knocked him out. She smelled of lavender and peaches, an unlikely combination that worked so well.
"How are you?" Lisa asked when Jack joined her on the sofa.
Jacked sighed deeply. That was the million-dollar question. To anyone else, he would've said he was fine, gone with the easiest answer. This was Lisa, the girl he was hoping would hand him her soul and body, the least he could do was extend her the same courtesy.
"Not good. I can't believe she's gone." And just like that, Jack felt the sadness of that day return. He couldn't say more, the size of the lump in his throat was as big as a tennis ball. He wasn't sure if it was because Lisa was finally there or if it was the usual 'calm before the storm' phenomenon but it was suddenly too much. Jack never cried but he felt himself choke and his eyes burned.

Lisa moved closer to where Jack sat on the couch. She didn't think too much, she just wrapped her arms around him and he let her. The relief he felt was overwhelming and for the first time in his adult life, he cried in front of another human being. She got up, took his hand and led them to his bedroom. There, Lisa laid him down and got in bed beside him. They snuggled close and he felt a few more tears slip. He was terribly embarrassed but he couldn't help it. There was something about Lisa that brought out his deepest emotions and he was tired of holding back. He was ready to explore the situation, he needed to see how far they could go.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean for you to see me like this, it's really not like me, I don't know what happened." Jack said at last. He had been so comfortable lying there with Lisa by his side that he nearly fell asleep. For the first time in a long time, he felt like the world didn't completely suck.
"That's okay."
"I was on my way to go see you when you showed up. I'm glad you came, I have some things I want to talk to you about."
"I wanted to see how you were doing. We've all been worried about you, I have been worried about you."
"Thank you for coming, for caring. And I'm really sorry about how I treated you the last time, I had no right."
"That's okay, I understand that you were grieving."
There was a long pause. "Now what?" Jack finally asked.
"I don't know."
"Lisa, do you still maybe feel anything for me?"
Hearing Jack sound so vulnerable touched something inside Lisa. He sounded like a little boy, earnestly seeking validation.
"I never stopped. The circumstances were just beyond my control."
"And now?"
"Jack, if you have something to say to me, I'm ready to listen."
"I love you."
"Jack..." Lisa sat up.
"It's true. I've never stopped and right now, I still want you more than I ever have. Can't you see? It's always going to be you." Jack held her hand and dragged her back down to lie down facing him.
Lisa looked Jack in the eyes and she saw just how sincere he was being. She lightly stroked his cheek as she made a confession of her own.
"I love you too."
Jack couldn't believe the relief he was feeling. It washed over him and it took him a minute to fully digest what he heard.
"Say it again," he smiled his first real smile since his mother died.
"I love you, silly man."
"For you, I'd be anything."
Their lips met and both moaned long and deep. In that moment, they realised that they were exactly where they wanted to be.
The kiss changed from warm and soothing to hot and needy really fast. Jack moved over Lisa and pinned her down with his arms on both sides of her head. Lying there beneath him with her white dress splayed about her, making her look like an angel, was the most beautiful sight Jack had ever beheld. He kissed her brow, her cheek, her forehead, he just couldn't stop.

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