Chapter Twelve

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It was Lisa's first day of work and like an excited kid, she woke up bright and early, ready to take the day on.
She got ready quickly and left her brand new apartment which she still couldn't believe she had, to catch an early bus to work. The day was promising and she couldn't wait to get it started.

All her excitement left her in a whoosh when she got to her brand new office and found Jack sitting behind her desk, wearing his usual brooding expression. How in the world had he found her? And most importantly, what did he want? And why was he allowed to go anywhere and do as he pleased?

"What are you doing here?" Lisa couldn't bother with pleasantries. It was annoying enough that he was rich enough to do whatever he wanted, Lisa didn't need him showing up at her workplace and disrupting a perfect day. His presence irritated her and immediately ruined her good mood.
"A very good morning to you too, Lisa."
"Just stop it. How did you find this place and what do you want?"
"I do business with this firm all the time. Imagine my surprise when I find a new name added to the team I'm supposed to be starting a new project with. Didn't take much to find out why that is. So, you and Femi?" Jack scoffs. "That's who you picked? You think he can replace me?"

Lisa couldn't believe the nerve on the man. He came into her office to question her about her personal life? What did it matter to him? Why did he care about who she went out with?
"I don't see how that is any business of yours." To say Lisa was annoyed was putting it lightly.

"Did he tell you what a backstabbing little fellow he is?" When Lisa didn't answer, Jack continued. "He did, didn't he? And you still continued with him?"

"Even though I don't owe you any explanation, we're not seeing each other."
"Don't give me that. Seriously, you know I'm too smart to fall for that. He was the one that dropped you the other time I came looking for you at your house, wasn't he? And the ridiculous amount of time you spend with him? Seriously, you disgust me. His money was too hard to ignore, wasn't it? Here I was, thinking you weren't attracted to money like most young women when all the time, you were juggling billionaires. And of all the people in the world, it had to be the one man that betrayed me. You know, you both deserve each other. You can have him."
"If there ever was a betrayal, it came from you. You can run away from the truth all you want but that will not change it.
" You speak for him now?"
"Get. out." Lisa's voice shook as she uttered the silent command. She couldn't believe all the despicable things that Jack was saying to her. How could he think all those things of her without even asking her any questions?

"Do you love him?" Jack stood from where he sat and walked towards Lisa.
"You need to leave, now."
"Answer me, do you love him?" They were standing toe to toe now, Lisa watched as Jack's jaw ticked and she wondered why he was so upset.
"Leave my office and I never want to see you again."
"Oh you will, you will." With that, Jack turned around and left, leaving a thoroughly shaken Lisa behind.
The whole day, Lisa couldn't get her mind off of Jack. Who did he think he was, invading her personal space like that? Her life was finally going according to plan, even if the plan wasn't hers. She didn't need Jack setting her back after she had made so much progress.

Lisa knew she couldn't go home at the close of work. Not with the way she was disoriented. Jack had occupied her every moment, thankfully it was just the first day at work and she didn't really have much to do. But she needed to talk to someone and clear her head and Jordan was the only person who would understand. And so even though Jordan had man trouble of her own, Lisa shot her a text around the close of work asking her to meet up at their favourite bar downtown. They could spend the rest of the evening cheering each other up, Lisa thought as she gathered her things to leave.

Lisa got a text from Femi asking to meet up while she was on her way to meet Jordan so she asked him to join them. Lisa knew she wouldn't have a chance to have the heart to heart she wanted to with Jordan, but Femi was always dear to be around and they could both use some cheering up. And it was about time that her two best friends got to know each other. Sure, they'd heard all about each other and may have seen each other in passing but neither had had the pleasure of the other's company. It wasn't what Lisa had planned but thinking about it, it was perfect. She ran into a bit of traffic on the way and by the time she got to the bar, Jordan and Femi were seated at a table in the corner, cackling like long lost friends. Both were pretty easy going and so Lisa wasn't at all surprised.
"No stealing my best friend." Lisa joked to Femi as he got up to give her a hug.
"That's not fair, she's such a joy!" Femi exclaimed, spotting a fake pout that had the trio laughing.
"I see you guys got started on the drinks and gist without me," Lisa said as Femi pulled out a chair for her to sit.
"You're always late, so yeah," Jordan remarked absently while still smiling at Femi.
"Lis, I didn't know your roommate was this cool, I would've met her sooner," Femi said to Lisa, never taking his eyes off of Jordan.

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