Chapter One

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   Lisa got to work as early as she could and went about organizing the office. She stored away files in alphabetical order and colour coordinated the books on the shelf. Everything had to be perfect, the CEO of their chain of companies was going to visit their branch for the first time since she had started work as a sales representative at the company. Word was that he went to every single office and gave his remarks when he was done. He also wasn't one to tolerate tardiness. From what she heard, he was the perfect example of the rich asshole stereotype. His name was whispered among workers, no one wanted to be caught on his bad side. Lisa was bent over, arranging the books on the bottom shelf when she heard someone clear their throat behind her. She was startled and almost fell over but the stranger's strong arms steadied her. He smelled of exotic cologne and man. Lisa looked up to meet his gaze and literally jumped away from her position in his embrace.
"I'm terribly sorry, sir." She avoided his gaze as she apologised profusely, it was embarrassing enough as it was. Her first impression of her boss was of her being a complete klutz.
Jack just smiled tightly and turned around. She had been bent over when he was passing by, leaving her generous behind in the air for everyone to see. She also had an exceptionally organised office, two of the things he liked the most. He couldn't pass up the opportunity to meet the lady that instantly had his attention without even trying. He walked in and stood for a good minute and she still hadn't noticed his presence so he cleared his throat loudly.
   Lisa nearly knocked the wind out of Jack when she turned around. She was 5 feet and nine inches of sex in his mind. She had a caramel skin tone that left him hot and thirsty and pouty lips that made him wonder what she would taste like. He was in her office two minutes and in his mind, he was already mauling her and taking what he wanted. But sexual harassment suits kept his feet glued to the ground, but they weren't going to stay glued for too long if he had anything to say about it. She looked like she was about to pee herself when she saw that it was him. She was scared of him, that often worked in his favour.
    Jack couldn't wait to finish making his rounds. He had to know the woman that had him mesmerized in a matter of minutes, had to see her again. Nothing else impressed him so he breezed through the most boring part of his job and then called everyone together to give his final remarks.
"Well done everyone. Everything here works but I don't need things to just work, I need exceptionality and top quality. I hope for better when next I come around." He looked around and finally spotted her in the back. "You there." She looked around like he couldn't possibly be talking to her. "Yes, you. What's your name?"
"Lisa." Her voice was wobbly when she answered, he truly terrified her.
"You have the most organized office which is a good thing but I wonder if you spend too much much time worrying about where things go instead of actually working." He saw a flash of anger cross her beautiful features and he smiled inside. Now she could be herself when he asked her out.
"Wait here. Everyone else can go." Jack dismissed his employees and waited as Lisa sashayed her voluptuous hips towards him.
The click-clack of her heels echoed in the otherwise quiet conference room, they were now alone. She stood to his side and waited for him to get on with whatever he had to say.
"Go out with me. Tonight."
Lisa was stunned and she was sure her mouth had hung open for an embarrassing enough amount of time.
"I'll send my driver to pick you up at 7 pm. Wear something nice." With that, Jack got up and walked away, leaving a completely stupefied Lisa behind.
   Lisa couldn't process what had just happened. He said he'd send his driver, that meant he knew where she lived? He didn't even ask for her number, how was he going to reach her? And did she have a choice in the matter? She had just started a new life after all the things she had gone through and she really needed her new job. It was difficult enough to find a job that had decent pay. She was determined to keep her job, that was why she was so thorough with it. Now her boss wanted to go out with her? For what particular reason? And he wasn't just her boss,  he was the boss to a string of bosses. He could end her whole career without even trying. Lisa began to worry. When she'd had the chance to respond, she had just stood there and stared and he'd left with a smug smile on his face. What did she say to someone like that?

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