Chapter Four

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Jack needed to see Lisa again. It had been a week since she turned him down, a week of sending texts and leaving gifts. He was going against everything he believed in because of this one girl. He needed to get her out of his system, it wasn't like him to pine over anyone. Jess had said she would look at the contract and if she was satisfied, they would be married. So that settled the wife thing which was the whole reason he was seeking Lisa out in the first place. Yet he felt like he wasn't done with her. She was a constant part of his thoughts and it was starting to get on his nerves.
For all his gifts and attention, she had never given him more than a friendly thank you. He got up and took his suit jacket from behind his chair and headed out. If what he knew about her was true, she would still be at work. Yeah, Jack was keeping tabs on her, who wouldn't? She was the sexiest woman he had seen in a long time, and that was saying a lot because he'd travelled a lot and seen a lot of women too. Or maybe it was just him, maybe Lisa looked that way to him because every time he thought about her, his nether region would twitch in response. There was one thing that was sure to get her off his mind, he always got tired of girls after he'd been with them. Surely Lisa wasn't going to be any different. He was going to her office to see her that evening, loaded with intention. He was driving himself crazy and that had to stop. He was Jack Lawson, billionaire CEO. He needed to stay on top of his game, he needed to stop obsessing over some chick. It was not what people like him did, people like him sought after money and power and rarely women. Women threw themselves at him, not the other way around. He was good looking and unbelievably rich, the perfect combination for every woman. Or so he had thought. After spending hundreds of thousands of naira on Lisa, the least she could've done was to seek him out and give him a proper thank you. Instead, she started trying to return his gifts. Of course, he wouldn't take them back so the delivery people had no choice but to pester her into collecting them. He paid them enough to make sure of that. But instead of her undying gratitude and appreciation, all he got from her were thank you texts and more texts that said she didn't want anything else. He'd had enough of her games.
It was 6:15 pm when he got to her office. She was buried in work so she didn't notice him come in. He took the time to look at her, admiring every crease and contour of her face. She had her hair in a tight bun and wore huge reading glasses. All she had on in the form of makeup was pink gloss and maybe a little mascara, he wasn't sure but he thought it was the sexiest thing he'd seen in a while. None of that heavy makeup that made girls look like dolls instead of real people. She kept it simple and it was gorgeous. And there was that twitching. He didn't want to stand in the hallway with a hard-on like a creep so he tried to clear his head and then went into the office.
Lisa looked up, completely taken aback when she saw Jack leaning against her door frame. She had been working hard on an account which had all her attention. She didn't as much as hear anyone come in. She almost gasped when she looked up and saw him.
"How long have you been standing there?" She quickly corrected herself. "I mean, good evening sir."
"Lisa," Jack warned.
"I'm sorry, good evening Jack."
Jack sighed, Lisa was a lot of work and he wasn't thrilled to find that it hadn't changed.
"What can I do for you? Do you need anything?" Lisa asked again, feigning complete innocence.
"Stop it." Jack was seconds away from losing it.
"Stop what?"
"Your games. Just stop."
Lisa was starting to get annoyed as well. What part of she wasn't interested was this man not getting?
"Okay Jack, what do you want?"
"One night. Dinner, a movie, sex, alcohol. The whole nine yards. After one night, we're done."
"And if I don't agree to this?"
"You've seen me work Lisa, I'll wear you out."
And she had, Jack was relentless. He pushed so hard that even in the business world, he almost always worn. It would be a cold day in hell when Jack Lawson just rolled over and took defeat. She had the option of giving in to him and then going on with her life the way it was or packing her bags and leaving the company. But even then, his reach was wide. She didn't have enough money to really disappear and he knew where she lived.
"When do we start?" She felt like she was selling her body to keep her job but there was nothing she could do about it.
"Right now."
Lisa sighed and closed her laptop. It was going to be a long evening for her and she couldn't wait to get it over with.
Jack saw Lisa's hesitation and wished that he cared. He was finally going to get the thing that had kept him up at night in recent times. The plan was to get her out of his system and move on. He had a lot of work to do, he had no time left to chase a girl. No woman was worth the energy it took to woo in Jack's mind. He had the power to retire Lisa for life, why didn't she just take him up on his offer make life easier for both of them?
Jack watched and waited as Lisa packed her laptop and some material into her briefcase. She started to make pass him but he grabbed her hand and steadied her in front of him, his hands moving to her hips and locking her in a firm grip.
"What are you doing?"
"Time starts now." He muttered and sealed his lips on hers.
Lisa tried to fight it but the dance of his tongue and lips quietly seduced her and before she knew it, she was swimming in the sensations that Jack's lips were bringing. The kiss was never slow or lazy like kisses started. This was Jack, everything he did was done in a very Jack way; powerful and consuming. He took charge and kissed her in a way that had her lady bits tingling within seconds. She was also sure her panties were not going to walk away dry after the assault.
Jack's hands moved lower and they grabbed her butt and squeezed. Lisa heard herself moan into his mouth at the contact and knew it was time to break the kiss, she wasn't about to have sex in her office in her boss. It was bad enough that she was doing it at all, she wasn't going to add the office to their lists of sins. She pushed against his chest but he didn't budge, instead, he kissed her deeper, his right hand making a torturously slow climb to her breasts. He gently rubbed circles around her right breast with his thumb before punching her nipple between his thumb and forefinger. Lisa gasped as the sensations tore through her and Jack used that window to sink his tongue farther into her. She dropped her briefcase, his tongue was doing wicked things to get and she didn't have enough willpower left to push him away. Jack's hand left her nipple and went down to the hem of her tight pencil skirt. He lifted it up in one clean sweep and rubbed a hand over her generous behind. His fingers found their way to her entrance and she thought for sure that this was the moment Jack was going to set her on fire but then he stopped and pulled her skirt back down and a groan of frustration left her.
"This is how this works, you don't tell me when to stop." With that, Jack turned around and made his way to the elevator, leaving a frustrated Lisa to try and catch up. He led the way to his car and held open the door for her then slid into the back seat with her.
The driver apparently already knew where they were headed because the car just started moving. Jack was out to torture her for sure, Lisa thought as she watched his hand rub her thigh in slow circles. She tried not to question him this time, she couldn't stand any more teasing.
The car came to a stop in front of a 5-star restaurant. Of course, it was like Jack to eat there, Lisa thought as he helped her out of the car. His hand was on the small of her back as he led her in but instead of the more upscale and elegant sitting, Jack led Lisa to a booth in the back, away from prying eyes.
They were served wine of Jack's choosing as they waited for their food. Jack sat pressed against her and his hand was already on the inside of her thigh. The simple contact felt like fire on her skin, her body reacted without shame when Jack touched her. She didn't like the man or his guts, incredibly sexy and rich as he was but a simple touch from him and she was set on fire, her body trembling with need.
His hand moved up higher on her thigh under the table.
"Jack." She breathed.
"Yes, Lisa?" He smiled, acting like it was the most natural thing in the world to be touching her intimately in a restaurant filled with people. But as he looked at her for an answer, his hand went higher still and his fingers now grazed her already wet panties. She was still looking for words when their food arrived.
Thankfully, Jack left Lisa alone as they ate their food and she was grateful for the moment to gather her wits. He had been teasing her nonstop and it was a good thing she was dark-skinned, Lisa thought. She'd have been a nice shade of pink with the way he was going. The night started out with exasperation for her but now she couldn't wait to see what other things Jack could do with his big sturdy hands. But he didn't seem in a hurry to go anywhere. He ordered some ice cream for dessert and watched with undivided interest as Lisa ate hers.
They were finally in the car and Lisa thought for sure that they would go to his place this time. She was tired of the drawn-out anticipation but once again, Jack wasn't in a hurry. The driver took them straight to a cinema and Jack led her inside once again.
Their hall was filling up nicely and Jack led her to the top of the stairs and they settled into seats far up and away from everyone else. The hall didn't get completely filled up so they were alone back there by the time the movie started and Jack was on her once more. He grabbed her neck and kissed her with frightening intensity then released her.
"Enjoy the movie."
Lisa didn't know how she was going to concentrate, Jack left her completely dazed and sexually frustrated. She had a feeling he knew exactly what he doing because Lisa couldn't remember wanting anyone as much as she wanted Jack at that moment. She looked over at him but his eyes were on the large screen ahead. So she tried to concentrate on the movie herself.
Jordan looked at the time, it was 9:43 pm. It was also very unlike Lisa to disappear without informing her first and she never really stayed out late except she had to. Which was more often than not because of work. And she always texted Jordan when she was going to work as late as 9. Jordan checked her phone again, she had not received any texts from Lisa. She tried calling again but it rang out like all the other times. Lisa didn't answer. Jordan was starting to get worried. There was a reason Lisa was always so careful so she could only hope that she was alright. Jordan called her boyfriend Francis but he waved off her concerns and assured her that Lisa was a big girl and could take care of herself. Jordan sat in the living room and waited, hoping that Francis was right.
Jack's lone finger slid into Lisa's wet opening and she threw her head back and tried not to moan out loud. Fifteen minutes into the movie and Jack had completely abandoned it and turned his attention on Lisa. He pulled the finger out, spreading the wetness around. Jack was driving Lisa mad with need, a touch here and a nibble there. Never taking it far enough for the pleasure to last. It was on the tip of Lisa's tongue to beg for some form of relief but she held onto that last piece of dignity. She had lost most of it by moaning and responding to Jack's torture. Jack pushed his finger in gently again and it was more than Lisa could take.
"Can we please leave?*
"Finally. Thought you'd never ask."
Lisa looked at him like he'd lost his mind. Was he serious? That was what he was going for?
"Why didn't you just say we could leave?"
"Where's the fun in that?"
Jack closed the door to his bedroom and turned around slowly. He was obviously enjoying the twist he had Lisa in and he was in no hurry for it to end. He only had one night, only asked for one night. After that, she wasn't obligated to give him anything else. And one night was all he needed. He would take her in all the ways that he'd spent days imagining and afterwards he'd have had his fill. That was all it took for him to lose interest.
Lisa sat on Jack's humongous bed and waited. He seemed to be content to just stand and stare at her and she didn't know what to do but wait for him to make the next move.
"Would you like a drink?" He asked finally.
"No." Lisa couldn't give him any more ammunition, she had gotten enough teasing to last a lifetime and she couldn't handle any more.
But Jack just chuckled and went into his walk-in closet. Lisa watched in awe from the open door. It was bigger than her room and it had clothes and shoes on every side. What was in there could probably pay her rent for nothing less than two years. Jack took off his jacket and put it on the settee. Next, he loosened his tie and took it off then started to unbutton his shirt. Lisa swallowed, it was like her own personal striptease session with Jack. He took off his shirt and vest then his belt. Lisa really wanted to look away, she just couldn't bring herself to. She watched as Jack made quick work of taking off his belt, shoes and socks. He was going to take off his pants and Lisa thought it was the best time to look away but she still couldn't. He took them off and turned around to face her in his boxer briefs and Lisa's heart almost stopped.
Jack was definitely a vision. She took him in from his hard jaw and chiselled face to his impeccable abs down to the prominent bulge in his briefs and her mouth felt dry.
"Like what you see?" Jack snapped her out of her haze. She blinked and turned away as Jack walked towards her. He held out his hand and she took it then he dragged her up.
"Come on, it's your turn."
"My turn to what?" Lisa asked.
"Take your clothes off."
Lisa looked at Jack, unsure. But then she thought to herself, this was the only night she was going to get with the stud that was Jack Lawson. It was time to stop being a baby and enjoy her time so she put on a little show for him, he'd been teasing her all night and it was time to return the favour.
Lisa turned around so that her back was to Jack and bent all the way over to take off her shoes, one at a time and slowly. She stepped out of them and turned around, undoing the buttons of her blouse. She took the off one painful button after the next. She turned around and unzipped her skirt then pulled it down as slowly as she could manage. It was tight anyway so it wasn't going to go down swiftly. Then she took off her bra but she kept her back to Jack.
"Turn around." He commanded.
Lisa was pleased with herself when she did and saw the heat in his eyes. The bulge in his briefs had also gotten significantly bigger. Good, she thought. Two could play his game.
Jack swallowed as he took in the gorgeous human being before him. He had imagined what she would look like naked many times more than he cared to admit but she had still caught him completely off guard. He held her hand and pulled her closer, memorizing all the planes of her body as he did. This was something he wanted to remember. Lisa had a tattoo just below her navel and Jack traced his thumb across it. It said life.
"Why did you get this?" Jack asked as he kissed it.
"I chose to live." Lisa didn't really care much for the story behind the tattoo, it was a memory she preferred to keep buried.
Thankfully, Jack didn't pursue the topic. Instead, he pulled Lisa to lie on top of him the turned around and pinned her down. This time, he didn't think he could survive torturing her himself, they'd had enough of that so he went straight for the kill and kissed her senseless.
Jack liked to take his time and he did. By the time he rolled on a condom and sunk deep into Lisa, she was seconds away from breaking her rules and outrightly begging.
Before the night was over, Jack pushed Lisa over the edge many times more than she cared to remember. His loving making was dominating yet attentive. He drove her past her limits yet he was sure not to hurt her. The man was gifted, Lisa never believed truer words.
It was morning by the time Jack admitted that he was worn out and finally stopped. It was like he was chasing something that kept running away from him. Orgasm after orgasm, he kept going back for more. Lisa wanted it as much as he did but she also knew that she was going to be sore for days after.
Lisa dug through her purse trying to find her phone, she wondered what time it was. It was 4:20 am but she also had 25 missed calls from Jordan and Francis. She had completely forgotten to tell them where she was and they must have been worried sick.
"I need to make a call." Lisa tried to get out of the bed and out of Jack's hold.
"Make it here, I don't mind."
So she did and apologized to Jordan for bailing on her but assured her that she was fine and would give her details when she got back home.
"I have to leave soon, I still have to go to work in a few hours," Lisa told Jack and he laughed.
"What's so funny."
"Get some sleep, Lisa. I think you know the boss."
"I guess I do." She couldn't even fight it, she was completely worn out and could definitely use a day off. She had been working so hard and almost never called in sick. If Jack was giving her a free pass, she was going to take it.
It was afternoon when Lisa finally woke up. She felt sore but rested and she was thankful.
"Morning sleepy head." Jack greeted. He was sitting beside her on the bed and doing something on his computer. He closed it and put it away as she tried to sit up.
"I ordered you some breakfast. Hold still let me get you a shirt then we can go downstairs and eat."
He grabbed a shirt from his closet and handed it to Lisa then led the way downstairs.
They ate in silence before Jack finally spoke up.
"Thanks for coming out, I had a great time." He flashed her his signature bright smile and Lisa couldn't help it, she smiled back.
"But we're done though?" Lisa still needed to be sure. As much as she'd enjoyed herself, Jack Lawson wasn't the man for her and she was sure that even he knew it.
"Yes Lisa, we're done." He didn't seem offended that she'd asked and Lisa was thankful, she couldn't afford to make an enemy of Jack.
Lisa ate her food and went back upstairs. Jack insisted she took a bath and she did. Lisa smiled to herself when he joined her in the shower, she should've known it was just a ploy to get her naked again.
"Technically, your night is over," Lisa said as Jack nibbled her ear and covered her breasts with his large hands.
"For old time's sake." He said and they laughed and had wild sex for what Lisa hoped was the last time.
Jack drove Lisa to her apartment early that evening.
"See you around, Jack."
"So long, Lisa."
Lisa walked into her apartment with a smile on her face and Jack drove off humming his favourite tune. The memories they now shared were ones that Lisa was always going to blush about when she remembered them.
Jordan attacked Lisa like a dog to a bone the minute she walked through the front door.
"Where have you been? You left me worried sick!"
"I'm sorry mom." Lisa joked.
"It's not funny!"
"Okay, I'm sorry. I should've called but I completely forgot and I'm sorry."
"Next time, just text at least."
"I will, I promise."
"Okay." Jordan sighed but lightened up. "So tell me, where were you?"
"With Jack."
Jordan squealed and jumped up and down, the exact reaction that Lisa was expecting. Jordan was suddenly team Jack since he'd been sending gifts, calling and texting.
"From the start, miss. Don't hold out on me now."
"He literally came and kidnapped me from the office," Lisa said and Jordan dragged her to the sofa, ready to soak in every last word.
By the time she was done telling the story, she was sure that Jordan had stars in her eyes. Lisa looked at her reaction and laughed.
"So are you going to see him again?"
"Why not?" Jordan was certainly disappointed.
"Because he asked for one night and because it's best I don't."
"But Lisa, you can't let one thing define your life forever, the past is just that; past. You're holding on to it too tightly."
"I know but Jack isn't the man to move on with."
"How do you know that?"
"He's in the public eye and..."
"That's what I'm talking about!" Jordan was hysterical. "You're letting this thing with Randy control your life."
"It's not that simple."
"Are you telling me? I know the story but Lisa, it's time."
"I don't know Jordan, I guess we'll see."
"Just don't pass up a good thing for him, he's definitely not worth the heartache."
"I'll try."

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