Sketch i have yet to finish

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So if you came here from my siren story then you should know the name 'Merium' (if you read the siren story). I was bored one day watching anime (ouran high school host club for like the 9858303 time) and as I was I started thinking, 'what if I drew Merium cause I have all the time in the world and it's boring as hell' and so I did
Correction, I started to.
Anyways enough with the dialog and on with the sketch.

 Also now you kinda know what my hand weighting looks like, Yay!

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Also now you kinda know what my hand weighting looks like, Yay!

Ok look, it's shit I know
But honestly, I wasn't expecting it to be good,like, what the actual fuck is wrong with her hair? Anyways bye also I am bored as hell and I'm going on this weird road trip thing (even though I want to be quarantined right now)  me, my mother, and her fiancé are going somewhere. (I was never told where) and it's viewing as hell in this back seat. I am currently listening to Omea wa mou (the femal ver) on Spotify while I write. And I have Been reading fanfics for the past 2 hours. My butt also hurts like hell from this seat. Ok last thing it looks like my mom is about to break her neck in the front seat as she's going to sleep. Ok now bye have a nice day



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