'A Date...'-Chapter 40

Start from the beginning

Rusty gave a sigh and slowly nodded. He trusted Alex but sometimes he can... accidentally slip things out of his mouth that he wasn't supposed to.

"Tell me," Rusty huffed.

"So we follow Alex to the restaurant that he's going to with this girl and then we get a table close yet far from them and if Alex begins to talk about us we get up and bump into them or something and knowing Alex he'll forget and just keep doing this if he brings up his talents you etc. Okay? we'll be wearing costumes" Pink rambled.

"You're right I don't like this..." Rusty affirmed. "Can we not have a little faith in him though?"

"Rusty, It's not him I worry about-Much- It's her-" Pink feared.

"She won't" Rusty reassured. "Stay home with me tonight, come on... we will have pizza..."

"Rusty I know what you're trying to do and as much as I love pizza" Pink drawled. "I can't..."

Rusty gave a hard sigh. "Fine you do what you want but you have to do this alone..." 

"Okay..." Pink saddened. "You won't tell him will you?!" 

"No, I'm not getting involved in this" Rusty claimed.

 Rusty walked out of Pink and his bedroom to sit down in the living room. The later it got the more guilt and torn Rusty felt. What should I do?  Rusty contemplated. Alex finally came downstairs with a bundle of semi-dead flowers in his hand that he got from Leys's garden.

"Where did you get those flowers from?" Rusty questioned.

"Ley's garden" Alex innocently smiled about to leave.

"Wait Dude maybe you should go to a different restaurant tonight other than John's pizza, wait you were going to Johns right?" Rusty asked.

"Yeah, why?" Alex suspiciously questioned his friend.

"Because umm- There's a new restaurant close by it's a fancy buffet restaurant with food from everywhere around the world," Rusty said nervously knowing there actually wasn't that good of a restaurant nearby.

"Oh, thanks man" Alex thanked. "See you later!"

And with that Alex shut the front door behind him ready to hit up this girl.

Pink's POV:

I listened in on Rusty and Alex's conversation hidden near the stairs so no one could see me. Rusty sent Alex away from me!  I was shocked, to say the least, he said he wasn't going to be a part of this which also includes no interfering. I decided to go back to my bedroom quietly missing all the creaky floorboards in my path. As soon as I entered my room I watched Alex take his leave on his go-kart. I quickly gathered up my disguise, money, and phone and decided to jump onto the tree outside my window. I climbed down the back of the tree so Rusty wouldn't see me. I placed both feet on the ground and sprinted, jumping the fence to the restaurant Alex was going to.

As I grew further and further away from the house I began to slow down and just speed walked over to this restaurant that Rusty recommended to Alex. I know I shouldn't do this but this is Alex we're talking about plus he's going on a date with someone who works with scientists who want to find 'Alien life forms'  and could add the boys to that list...  I talked to myself.

I found the restaurant the Rusty was talking about and peered through one of the windows seeing Alex with a girl laughing... This had me feeling bad about all this but I do what I can to protect the people I love... Even if that means Alex will find out and possibly not want to talk to me again. Taking a deep breath I put on my disguise which was just a baseball cap with my hair tied up in a messy bun and put on one of my sister's old red baseball jackets with no logo and walked inside the buffet.

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