Chapter 2: Removal

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Slowly removing the debris covering the android's body and pinning it down, I felt something sticky on the sole of my shoe.

The tackiness made me think briefly about how it could be garbage juice, but considering it's colour, I guess it's thirium.

A whole puddle of cobalt fluid surrounded me, and my shoes were completely covered in it. No way all this is the android's, right?

The liquid reflected the dying lights of the street lamps nearby, it's blue sheen making it look alien.

The android shuddered to life in my hands, a breath urgently sucked in through its teeth. The sudden movement and sharp sound made me jump, and an empty can tumbled off the dumpster.

It bounced and rolled on the ground for a few seconds before coming to a stop, and the android's eyes followed the movement. At least it can still track movement. We have hope for it yet.. It shifted its gaze to me, the creaking of it's neck joint prominent. Dark, hazel irises, huh? Neat.

It's stare was piercing, and my heart raced at being examined so closely by an android. I've always found artificial intelligence interesting, and one thing I'd always wanted to find out was that if they felt attraction.

If I didn't consider these circumstances that I found the android in, I would have thought the android's gaze was hot. But alas no, I found it in a rubbish bin.

I extended my hand to it, signalling that I wanted to help him. It mildly placed it's bloody hand on mine and clasped tightly.

"Three, two, one!"

I counted down, before gathering my strength and yanking it towards me.

My foot slipped on the thirium residue, and I lost my balance. The android was pulled from it's garbage prison, still grasping my hand. The breath was knocked out of me as I hit the ground, eyes wide with shock.

The android also seemed to be surprised, from it's open mouth. It landed on top of me, forehead inches away from my face. It scrabbled around for a support, and pushed itself up above me with it's arms.

Something wet dripped onto my cheek, trickling down the side of my face. Must be thirium. Having such a close look at it's face, I saw that blue blood was smeared all around it's jaw and nose. It dribbled from it's ear as well.

I hastily extricated myself from the awkward position, dusting myself off. The android looked flustered, eyebrows raised lightly as it rolled over onto it's back.

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