4. Georgie

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Georgia left the art club, feeling elated. Her cheeks were bright red, her hair was a mess and her heart was playing samba. She arrived at her car, feeling so high she could see the sun, but she dropped to Mama earth when she saw Thomas leaning against the driver's side of the car.

" Hey"

She sighed, pursed her lips into a tight smile and walked to him, feeling dread wiping away her happy feelings that came with making art and friends.

" Hi."

Thomas smiled. He was still the gorgeous quarterback he had always been. But it felt more like he was her old friend than anything else.

" What are you doing here, Thom? Hasn't your football practice finished hours ago?"

He shrugged.

" I wanted to talk to you."

She sighed.

" We broke up yesterday. What else is there to say?"

Georgia knew she was being unfair. Out of the blue, she had announced she liked girls and it was better for them to separate— she'd known for a while, now, and it was mean to him to continue playing pretend. But it still felt like a chore to reason with him.

" What about the we love each other and we want the best?" she added, hoping he wouldn't be mean if she reminded him of their love

Thomas smirked.

" Georgie, I need to know how long."

" What?"

" How long have you known? Did you know this summer? Or before? Or slightly later?"

Georgia shook her head, pressing her fingers on her forehead.

" What do you want me to say? To do? Do you want me to hurt you more than I already have?"

" I just want to know, Georgie."

" I've known for a whole year. I tested it this summer. But I've known since the summer before that. I had a crush on a girl named Lorraine."

" You've pretended to love me for a year?"

" I didn't pretend. I love you. Just not... Not the way you deserve."

" You've done this whole charade a year."

His tone had gone more angry. Less sweet. Less soft.

" A year?" he yelled, his face red like pepper

Georgia backed away, shuddering. Tears were welling up in her eyes.

" I'm sorry, I—"

" I can't believe you'd do this to me! A whole year of pretending! Of knowing you don't like guys, of knowing you were stringing me along! I could've met someone else, accepted Mira's invitation to prom and gotten a HETEROSEXUAL girlfriend!"

" I needed to..."

" To what? RUIN MY LIFE?"

" To figure myself out! I thought you'd understand!"

Thomas stopped leaning against the car and left, fuming, leaving Georgie crying in the parking lot. A few feet away, Aspen stared, dumbfounded.

Aspen slowly approached the crying pretty girl. She pressed her hand against her shoulder— the blonde jumped.

" Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you."

Georgia hid her head in Aspen's neck, crying still. Aspe awkwardly wrapped her arms around her, murmuring reassuring sounds. She knew Tina and Lana would soon come onto the parking lot and go absolutely crazy, but she couldn't let her new friend cry alone like this. It was almost nighttime, who knew who would try profiting off her weaknesses.

" I'm a horrible person..." Georgia cried

Aspen slowly disengaged from the hug and looked the blonde in the eyes. She had gorgeous blue pupils. She could easily get lost in them.

" You're not a horrible person."

" You don't know the half of it..."

That night, Aspen stared at her blue screen, looking at the number she now had on her phone. Pretty girl had left her name as " Georgie". She'd even added a paint brush emoji. Now Aspe felt herself swoon, wondering if it was normal to think this cheerfully of a friend. Yes, it was! She was a popular girl— not that it mattered.

Aspe hadn't seen her mum tonight. She'd probably been off to a date with her dad, or out with friends. These days she didn't bother to leave notes anymore. She knew her daughter could take care of herself and she knew Aspen encouraged her to go out— her mother had just come out of a very depressive episode.

Aspen turned off her phone and went to her sketchbook on her desk. She started drawing the curves of a girl, with long flowy hair and a gorgeous smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2020 ⏰

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