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            All I wanted was for Belle, the most beautiful girl in the village, to accept my marriage proposal. How could she not want me, the most handsome, strong, and daring man for hundreds of miles around? I guess it just goes to show that she needed to get her nose out of her books and get out more.

"Gaston, you look down in the dumps," said LeFou.

"LeFou, I swear that if you start singing I'll-"

"Gosh, it disturbs me to see you Gaston, looking so down in the dumps!" LeFou began singing.

"I'm going to kill you," I muttered. I hated it when people sang songs. I mean, yes, I would be the perfect subject for a song, but I couldn't stand music.

"Every guy here'd love to be you Gaston, even when taking your lumps!" he continued. Okay, that was probably true. Who wouldn't want to be me? I was the most handsome, strong, and daring man for hundreds of miles around.

"There's no man in town as admired as you, you're everyone's favorite guy!"

"Except for Belle's favorite guy, which is all I want," I reminded him. He paused, looked at me, and shrugged me off.

"Everyone's awed, and inspired by you, and it's not very hard to see why!"

That was the truth. I was amazing. Strong, too. I could beat anyone at any sort of strength match. And I was handsome. I had all the ladies falling for me. All except Belle, of course.

"Gaston!" The townspeople finished singing my praises. The door to my lodge flew open, and Belle's father rushed into the room.

"Gaston, you have to help me," he said, out of breath.

"Why would you need my help, old man?" I ask.

"Belle's been kidnapped by a horrible beast!" he said.

"Crazy old Maurice," I chuckled. "Belle's probably at home right now, cooking dinner up for you!"

"It's true!" he wheezed out. "A horrible beast! In a castle!"

I gave LeFou a look. This man was crazy; that was obvious to see. Although, I did have an idea. Maybe if I agreed to help Maurice "find" Belle, he would give me her hand in marriage. Then she would be forced to marry me.

"Alright, Maurice. I'll help you find your daughter."

"A crazy beast, I'm telling- you'll help me find Belle?"

"Yes, of course!" I say. Boy, was I a sly person. This would be great. "We must leave right away," I added. Maurice agreed, and we set out to find Belle.


"Maurice, we've been at this for hours," I groaned. "I'm sure Belle is at home."

"A crazy beast, I tell you!"

"Okay, you know what?" I say, finally fed up with the pointless search. "Get out of the wagon, Maurice."

"What? But we have to find Belle!"

"I said get OUT!" I roared, picking him up and setting him on the ground next to a tree. Holding him there with one hand, I tied him to the tree.

"But Gaston, don't you think this is a little...I don't know...inhumane?" LeFou asked.

"With the old man out of the way," I replied, "Belle will have no support for herself. She will have no choice but to marry me."

"That's smart!" LeFou said. "Come on, let's get home."


"It's true! The beast is real!" Belle spoke to the villagers. We had attempted to have Maurice thrown in to the insane asylum after he'd come back alive from the woods. With him out of the way, Belle would be mine.

"Now, Belle, you're starting to sound just as crazy as your old man," I said. Belle held up a mirror in front of her face.

"Show me the Beast."

A roaring beast appeared in the mirror.

"Why, it's true!" I say. "A monster!" Immediately I knew I wanted to hunt this beast down.

"He'll steal your children away in the middle of the night. He must be killed!"

"Kill the beast!" the villagers shouted.

"Gaston, no!" Belle shouted.

"But Belle, he's a monster," I tried to reason with her.

"He's not a monster, Gaston!" She protested. "You are!"

"Kill the beast!" the people continued yelling.

We collected our weapons, lit torches, and took off to storm the beast's castle.


I followed the beast to the top of the castle, determined to kill him. I shot him once, his body jerking.

"You're mine now, beast!" I yelled, aiming my gun again. The stone walkway beneath me began to crumble, and I knew I didn't have much time. I shot a second time, hitting him in the abdomen. A perfect shot.

The last thing I remember before falling to my death was seeing the beast crumple into a heap. I smiled cruelly. I may die and not be able to marry Belle, but at least I hunted the beast down and killed him so that her love for him would be worthless. 

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