"Oh, give me a break," Gally spat. "I bet Minho's the one who actually got rid of the stupid things. I mean she's a girl for shucks sake."

"Gally, shut your hole!" Newt yelled, standing for effect. "I'm the bloody Chair right now, and if I hear one more buggin' word out from you, I'll be arranging another  Banishing for your sorry butt."


The meeting went and on like this until it got to Minho.

"Go ahead, last but not least." Newt said. Minho stood up out of his chair.

"I was out there; I saw what they did-they stayed strong while I turned into a pany-wearin' chicken. And Amy, she was the bravest of us all. She killed a Griever on her own. Without our help. No blabbin' on and on like Gally. I want to say my recommendation and be done with it." Minho said. I held my breath. Even though I knew Minho wasn't going to say anything bad , I still had to be prepared.

"Good that," Newt said. "Tell us then."

Minho looked at Thomas, then at me with a smile.

"I want these two shanks to be runners. As a matter of fact, I nominate Amy to replace me as Keeper of the Runners."


After the Gathering we all headed back to work,or whatever we were doing. It was decided that we get a day in the Slammer. Much to my dismay. The exact place I've been trying to avoid since day one. But whatever.

Minho caught up to me and Thomas on our walk with Newt to the Slammer.

"Hey, shank. Wait up." He said. I stopped and turned towards him, waiting for him to keep up.

"Hey," I said, putting my hands in my pockets.

"I think I deserve a lot more than that after I saved your butt." He smirked. I rolled my eyes.

"Thank you, alot Minho. That was very brave of you to stand up for us like that. Now I didn't expect you to nominate us a runners, let alone Keeper of the Runners." I said.

"Amy, you should know that out of all of us shanks in the Glade, you are the most capable of being the Keeper of the Runners. I made my decision for a reason." He said. I looked up and smiled at him.

"And thanks alot for standing up to Gally for me. I was close to beating the klunk out of him myself if you hadn't done something." I laughed. He laughed with me and slung an arm around my shoulders.

"Yeah, I believe you. I can just picture it now. Gally getting his ass beat by a girl." He joked. I laughed along with him.

We came to a stop when we reached the Slammer. He removed his arm from my shoulders and faced me.

"So, I guess this is it." He said.

"Do I really have to spend the day in the Slammer?" I asked giving him puppy eyes. He chuckled and rolled his eyes.

"Yes, just because you're a girl doesn't mean you get treated any differently. Now If it were up to me, I wouldn't have you in here for a second. But, you know, Newt's orders." He said. I sighed.

"Well, I guess I'll see you later then." I said. He smiled and leaned close to my ear.

"Hey, I'll come back after my run and bring you guys something to eat." He whispered. I lit up.

"Really?" I asked excitedly. He nodded. I threw my arms around him. "Thank you so much!"

He chuckled and pulled away, then ruffled my hair.

"Stay out of trouble shank." He said, then walked away.after he locked in me and Thomas. I chose to sit on the dirt ground, seeing as the three-legged chair wasn't very appealing.

Run With Me (The Maze Runner, Minho ) (OH HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now