"Oh definitely. In fact ill go call him now." She jumped up eagerly and went into the living room. You could hear murmuring coming from the living room as I sat in the kitchen, just pondering. I felt as if life was going to get better from now on.

With a big smile on her face,  she came in and sat next to me.

"Great news!" She squealed "My son is in town and he said he'll drop by soon. Around night time."

"Oh that's awesome!! What if he doesn't like me?"

"Nonsense. He loves everyone."

I couldn't wait to meet him.


I was just watching phineas and ferb as I suddenly  felt something vibrate in my pocket. I took it out wondering what it was. As I looked at my phone screen,  a look of shock came onto my fave and my jaw dropped. Shit. I forgot to block Andy's phone.

Unknown number - Ashley here!! You thought you could lose contact from me, ey?

Unknown number - Ok I might seem desperate now and I know I haven't known you for long, but tell me why you left.

Unknown number - I took you in because I knew you had no where to stay. And then you just left.

Unknown number - I feel as if I've got to make sure you're okay.

Ugh. I had to reply.

Me - I don't want to be a burden on you. Besides, don't worry about me. I found a place to stay. Just focus on important things like your friends and your music. Not me.

Me - goodbye for good now.

Before I could block him, he sent me a text.

Unknown number - I know your number.  If you block me, ill just go onto another phone to text you.

Me - I won't reply.

Then I blocked him. I was doing this for him. Even if I stayed, he would've soon come to hate me anyway. Nobody wanted to be friends with me. In time, they'd forget about me.

Time went by and I got bored so I decided to go onto twitter.  I was really bored and I decided to go stalk bvb. Let's see if anyone wrote things about me.

First I went to Jakes twitter. Nope nothing about me. Just about his videos on YouTube.  Next was Jinxx. Again. Nothing about me. Phew. Then I checked CC's.  Nothing about me. Surprise surprise. Just something about him going somewhere with everyone else later on.  Ashley next. He just tweeted about going to clubs. He also said he was going to meet his mum and cousin later on. Nothing about me though. Last but not least i checked Andy's, scared to see what he tweeted. Phew he tweeted nothing recently. I was so relieved.

Then it hit me.  Ashley said he was going to see his mum and his cousin. His mum. And his cousin.  Didn't Auntie say that her son was coming over and wasn't Ashley in our area too?! Oh god. I could be related to Ashley.  A member of my favourite band.

I think I was over thinking this. Maybe it was all just a big coincidence. I chuckled slightly, laughing at myself for being so ridiculous.

Then the door knocked.

"Dream, could you go get that for me?" Auntie said from the kitchen.

"Sure! " I said getting up, walking towards the door.

I took large footsteps towards the door until I clasped the cold doorknob and turned it clockwise. The cold air brushed past me gently as the door swung open.

Then my jaw dropped.

My eyes widened.

I guess my theory had just been proven right.

"Oh...Helloo..." Ashley greeted me awkwardly,  "...fancy seeing you here..."

*cue dramatic music* I wasn't that happy with this chapter but ... I couldnt really think of what to write. So yaaahhhh....

Cheerio my little sugar plums.

*Virtual hug*
Sammie xx

Always look up (Andy Biersack love story)Where stories live. Discover now