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Listening to Pierce The Veils- King for a day ft Kellin Quinn.

The day of the concert had finally come and I'd managed to avoid Maria and my mum.

I put on my favourite clothes which was a bvb leather jacket, a PTV shirt, Black Ripped Jeans and my Batman converses. My dyed black hair was teased and I had on a couple of band bracelets too.


The concert was just about to start and I was front row. Lucky me!

Then, the angels (who were disguised as humans) came onto the stage.The crowd roared and cheered wildy. I was sure that pretty soon, I would turn deaf. Then Andy spoke into the microphone and everyone went quiet to listen to his amazing voice.

"Whats up, motherfuckerrrrssss?" he shouted. After saying that, the crowd went wilder than ever.

The first song they performed was shadows die. God i love that song. Then, In the end, Wretched and divine and lots more.

The concert was amazing. Im so happy that my first one was a black veil brides concert. And yes, I know Im 17 but i had never been to a concert.


After the concert had finished, I made my way to leave, but there were too many people at the exits, so i tried looking for a different exit. I definately did not want to use that exit because everyone seemed cramped and squished.

I went down a couple of stairs, managing to avoid the security guards. Then i found one hidden in the corner and I made my way towards it.

I turned the handle and opened the door, stepping through it. Only to find that it didnt lead me to outside. Instead i seemed to be in some sort of room with a couple of comfy looking chairs, a mirror , clothes scattered everywhere and posters on the wall. It was a dressing room.

Oh. My. God.

I shouldnt be in here.

I should get out.

But i didnt want to and neither did my body. I was glued to the spot and couldnt move, no matter how hard i tried.

"What the fuck are you doing here? " A deep voice slurred from behind .

That voice sounded way to familiar and I thought I knew who it was. But his voice sounded slurred. He had probably been drinking. I didnt turn around because i knew who it was and i guess i was...i guess i was scared.

"i...i..." i stuttered.

"I dont care who you are. Just get the fuck out of my room."

I turned around to face him. Andy Biersack. Andy Motherfucking Biersack stood infront of me. Something was different about him though and he was being quite rude.

"Hello? Can you hear me?" he asked, quite bored of me.

Ok, my idol was standing infront of me and I'd never thought he'd be like this. I always heard that he was nice and funny to his fans. This was the complete opposite. Something mustve happened to upset him or maybe everyone was just lying when they said he was nice.

Before I could say anything, he said,

"Ok thats it, Im getting security."

"No! Im gonna leave! I..I just cant believe tha-"

"Yeah yeah." he mocks trying to imitate my voice "Youre in Andy Biersacks dressing room. Youre standing a couple of feet away from him. Blah blah blah. I dont care. Just go and leave me alone."

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