{Request??} Roger x Minnie short

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Based off the comic I showed you in the last one-
(Yes, bananaman will be in it)

Eric/Bananaman's POV

I got out of the movie 'fazoom'. A lot of people were chatting about how any kid could be Bananaman, and little did they know I was him.

This was a panicking situation, my secret identity could be revealed! I had to shut down the movie, and somehow brainwash everyone who just watched it.

I need to turn into Bananaman to make it less suspicious that I am him. So I went around the corner, ate a banana, and became the fruity hero.

Ahhh! Nice to be all buffed up again. I tried to keep a look out for people who might watch the movie.

Oh, was that Minnie and Roger I saw? They were walking up together. Aww, that's sweet-

It looks like Dennis wasn't around either. Maybe they were secretly dating? Well, we all have our secrets.

I bet you those two were gonna watch the fazoom movie, since all the other ones were rubbish for their age.

Minnie's POV

I walked up with Roger to the movies. I can't believe him, he just decided to pick the most babyish movie ever! When we finish watching it I'm gonna humiliate him as revenge.

Our plan was to look like we were going to the fazoom movie, as most people probably thought we were, and then change to the unicorn one last second.

I still can't believe him.. he's a right softy inside!

It's kind of funny though-

Before we could enter, Bananaman just jumped in front of us, making us flinch. "DON'T GO! YOU CAN'T!!" He yelled.

"Us?" I asked.
"Why can't we go in?"

Oh, so he thought we were gonna see Fazoom? GREAT! How are we gonna sneak last without him knowing?

Whatever, Roger was the one who picked the movie. If it was anyone else (even Dennis) I wouldn't have come along.

Roger whispered me something, and he started to walk off. I followed him, and we went around the corner.

"We could just enter using the back door-" he said. I sniggered.

Bananaman can be really dumb sometimes, and that's what I don't like about him. Can't he like multiply himself or something?

We got in through the back door to yet again see Bananaman, except...

He was fat. Like, REALLY fat.

Roger's POV

What the hell does he want from us? And why us in that matter. We aren't even gonna see Fazoom, but I don't want him to know that-

I haven't turned soft, no. I wanted to bring Minnie to the movies with me but Fazoom was first; all booked, and second; was unbelievable.

Soo I had to pick between the most rubbish movies ever. Honestly the one I picked didn't even look that bad-

HhhhHhHh- why am saying that-

The fat Bananaman burped, disgusting me and Minnie, saying 'I ate all the popcorn! You can't go to a movie without popcorn!'

First of all, that's not true. Second of all I had a packet of sweets under my shirt.

I pulled them out "I brought sweets incase we ran out of popcorn," I said. The people there were probably more bothered by the fact all the popcorn was gone instead of me sneaking in sweets.

"Nice, but- that's just been under your shirt, are you sure they aren't sweaty?" Minnie asked. I gave her a look. "Ok, sorry-"

We walked away, when Bananaman shouted "WAIT!"
Oh for god's sake what does he want now?

We turned around to see a puppet stand. "Why go see Fazoom when you can see my movie?"
"That's a puppet stand," Minnie pointed out.

Bananaman ignored her and got two bananas up. "Today's show is:

How to train your banana!"

Me and Minnie walked off. "No thanks, we'd rather watch the movie we payed for," I said. "Not everything is about bananas, you know."

We walked up to Fazoom and went inside. The unicorn movie was starting later so we were gonna sneak in there, since we didn't want Bananaman to see us.

3rd person POV

Bananaman sat in front of Roger and Minnie. "Let me just sit in front of you..

..with my MASSIVE HAT." He said, with a massive hat on his head. The two kids looked up in awe. "But we can't see the movie then-" Roger complained.

Suddenly, the not-so-smart superhero fell to the ground with a thump.

"Ow! The hat is weighing me down..."

He took it off. "Alright you win! Go watch Fazoom, I can't stop you!" He sighed. Trouble is, the unicorn film was starting.

"Erm.. we aren't watching Fazoom," Minnie said, whilst Roger flinched a bit.
"You.. aren't?"

The three walked out of the screening for Fazoom. "Roger didn't want to watch it," Minnie said, smiling.

She's gonna try humiliate me, huh? Roger thought. "Yeah, it seemed too unbelievable."

Bananaman smiled a bit at the thought of that.

"So Roger insisted we go watch 'The Fluffy Wuffy Unicorn Movie', didn't ya?" Minnie smiled.

Roger blushed a deep red. "SHH! STOP TELLING EVERYONE!" Minnie and Bananaman laughed.

"It's okay, Roger. We all have our secrets."

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