{REQUEST} Dennis x Fem!Reader

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(Requested by LynoleyTpayne)

Reader's POV

I can't believe my parents. They've moved me to multiple schools and yet they avoid to homeschool me.

It's just because I'm badass. I'm always been a 'menace' (as my teachers called me),throwing paper airplanes and tomatoes everywhere I can. My mum is fed up of it and my dad tries to get away from me.

Thanks, parents.

But all those schools have been rubbish, with stupid rules.

The last one I went to was in Dandytown, and it had some really stupid rules. Students had weren't aloud to walk side by side in the corridor and we had to leave our names on a list every time we passed the headmaster's office, which is why I, and many other students, had avoided taking that route.

So I'm glad I moved away from that one.

When I first heard that there wasn't any uniform I could already tell this school was going to be decent.

Apparently there was a whole class named 'The Bash Street Kids'. Don't know what that's about.

I went into my class and met my teacher, Miss Creecher, who was an old women. Her bun looked big enough to hide my geography book in there.

"Class, this is Y/N. She'll be joining our class from now on," Miss Creecher introduced.

Nobody seemed to care.

"If she doesn't get expelled like she did in her other schools.." I heard Creecher quietly mutter.

I sat down between two other kids, one of them was wearing a red and black chequered jumper and the other one had a red and black striped jumper.

And they were both boys. Great.

There was a red-haired girl sat behind me who had a similar clothing type to the boy with spiky hair.

He was actually pretty cute.

Whatever, I'm not a soppy girl who falls in love with the popular boys. Even though the two sat next to me might just be the popular ones.

Especially the spiky haired one. I must get to know his name.

Anyway, class continued and the teacher was going on about Romans building straight roads and stuff. Typical.

Suddenly the spiky haired boy started doing something with the piece of paper in front of him.

Could he be..

He turned it into a paper airplane and threw it to Creecher's head. She turned around and asked "who through that? That's against school rule 593, do not throw paper airplanes at the teacher!"

Whilst there was slight anger in her voice, she still seemed pretty calm. Guess she was quite used to it.

I couldn't believe it though. This school was the first that didn't have students constantly trying to get top marks. Constantly bringing a shiny apple to the teacher.

I was gonna enjoy myself here.

Creecher was still turned around, trying to identify who through it, when a smart looking boy in a blue shirt put his hand up.

Guessing he was the class swot.

"Yes, Walter?" Creecher asked. Ugh, Walter. Such a swotty name. (Not to offend anybody 😂)

"It was Dennis!" He exclaimed. Oh, that was the boy's name. Dennis.

He huffed and gave Walter a glare. Almost everyone in the class turned to look at Dennis, including me.

The girl behind me wasn't bothered. Nor was this kid near the back with a green hoodie on. Guess it happened quite often.

"Dennis! How many times do I have to remind you not to throw paper airplanes? First of all it's rude, second of all it's wasting paper, and third of all it's against school rules! Stop it!" The teacher explained.

Dennis didn't look like he was listening. "Sorry, miss.." he sarcastically apologised, giving Walter another look.

I saw the boy give a smirk. I haven't even known him for 10 minutes and I hate him already.

*after class*

I rushed up to Dennis as I had wanted to get to know him more. He was hanging out with three other people.

One of them was in wheel chair, the other one was a sporty-looking girl, and the other one was the boy in the green hoodie I had seen before.

He was chatting about Walter and how much he hated him. I wasn't surprised, really.

I wanted to go talk to him but my confidence just left me. I didn't want to look like a shy girl in front of him.

Whatever, just go be yourself.

I walked up to him, and he saw me.

"Hey, you're the new girl. What's your name?" He asked, I didn't even have to say anything.

"Oh! I'm (y/n). Walter's annoying, isn't he?" I asked, trying to give him a hint I wasn't a soppy girl.

"I know.. he's thinks he's clever. Trying to take over Beanotown just because his dad is mayor.." Dennis grumbled.
"His dad is mayor?"
"Yeah, but not a good one. He thinks he's the king of the world!" The girl in the wheelchair said.

"I'm Rubi." She said
"I'm JJ." The sporty girl said.
"And I'm Pie Face. Miss Creecher calls me Peter though." The other boy said.

Ok, I were gonna say. Pie Face isn't a name. If it is, it's a stupid one.

"And I guess you already know I'm Dennis. Why were you expelled from the other school?" He asked. I guess the news spread quickly.

"I've been expelled from many schools. Broke too many stupid rules. This place seems decent though," I corrected, giving him another hint I'm not a swot.

"Ooh nice. This place is the place for you, then. We have menaces, mixes, dodgers,
pranksters.. it's like a kid heaven. Without the teachers, of course," he explained.

"Wanna meet my other friends?" He asked.
  "Yeah, sure." I replied, guessing he was the 'popular' kid.

We walked up to those two kids who were near me in the class before. The boy in the chequered jumper and that girl with orange hair.

"This is Roger and Minnie," he said. Minnie gave me a wave and Roger did too. He smiled though. "Is this your new girlfriend, Dennis?" He laughed.

Dennis turned red a bit. "No!" He huffed. I turned a bit red too. "Told you I'd get you back," he said.

"Fair enough," he said, walking off. Minnie and Roger seemed fine together, Minnie talking about her catapult time to time. I rushed back off to Dennis.

"Sorry about that. Do you want me to hang out with someone else?" I asked.
  "Nah, it's fine. You can stay. I'm fine with that."

I smiled a bit. I could tell we were gonna get along well.

(WOAH 1123 WORDS! I had fun writing that :D ok please request more uwu)

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