Chapter 17 : Candy 🍬

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The games is getting harder as we slowly go up the pyramid.
Students give their all to be at the top
I'm gonna be facing Iida next
I'm pretty sure he's determined to be at the top as well but I'm not gonna back down
I'm not sure how I would face him in this battle
Since we all have limits
He could have a limit on his quirk
I could maybe-

I was interrupted by the sound of Present Mic calling us in to the arena
I stood up and went out of the waiting room

I walk in the arena as I hear the crowd go wild
I looked at the determined working progress hero in front of me

Sonic mimic!


I started running around the arena with Iida following behind he seems slower than me

"Recipro Burst!"

I hear him say and he goes faster
I went on the exert more speed into my running
He became slower as time passes
I turned around he was caught off guard
I then started pushing him off with the strength exerted from my speed to the bounds
He pushed back
He was harder to push than Kaminari
after all, He was a bigger person than Kaminari and I
I gave all my effort and finally we were close to the bounds
I was off guard when he suddenly grabs me and turns the tables around to push me off the bounds

Mario mimic!

I jumped away going behind him
then pressing my feet to his back that pushed him off

"Iida is out of bounds!"

I won?

I ran up to Iida
"Good fight"
I said as I held out my hand
He took it
"A good fight indeed"
He lets go and walks off the arena
I aswell walked off the arena


My classmates came to me with a warm welcome

"You won! Not only that, if you win the next round you could be able to be the 1st place!
and if you lose you'd still be at 3rd place!"

I just smiled in response

I'm going up against Todoroki...
I don't know how I could win this but I'll sure try my best

"I have to go somewhere"

"Oh, okay?"

I left and went to the clinic

"Uhm, hello?"


"Ah! Midoriya are you okay?!"

"I'm fine don't worry...also Recovery Girl went out to get something did you need something?"

"Oh yeah, I needed some of those candy Recovery Girl gives"

"Well, It's right here-"

"It's very rude to just take one"

"Ah! You're right!"
He hides his face in embarrassment

"What do you need?"

I looked around to see Recovery Girl

"Oh Recovery Girl! I just need some candy"

"Alright then here you go"
She grabs me a bunch of candies

"Thank you Recovery Girl! I'll see you around Midoriya!"

I started eating the candies given to me while watching the fights happen

Candies increases her energy and makes her recover her quirk faster because of the amount sugar she consumes somehow like Sato

"Can I have some?"

I said with a mouth full of candy

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