Chapter 29 : Struggle 🚫

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I was woken up by water getting splashed at my face
I was too shocked that I didn't look at the people before me

My angered expression and turn into horror
The man looked so familiar
He had gloves and a beak like mask

"We've been wanting you here for a long time now..."


(Y/n) had been in the hospital for 2 days
She needed longer recovery after keeping herself awake and overusing her quirk

By this time, Bakugou was already rescued and All Might retired
This would be a shocking news to (y/n) finding out her friend was kidnapped and the hero she looked up to retired but she would have to accept it

The night before she will be out of the hospital, A doctor came to her room
giving her what is supposed to be pain killer
She felt herself drift to sleep once again
but this time she couldn't stay awake

The 'doctor' took her out of the hospital to a normal house

"Sir, we have her now...
What do you want us to do?"

"Tie her up and I need her awake"


"I'm sorry Mr. Aizawa but we don't know"
The nurse begged forgiveness for (y/n)'s disappearance

Leaving Aizawa in despair on not being able to keep her safe

Her friends and classmates started rushing into the hospital to see an empty room where (y/n) was supposed to be

"It's true...she really is taken away..."
Midoriya confirmed

"I just had her back and now she's taken away once again..."
Kirishima said in anger of himself


"W-who are you?! Where am I?!"
I tried to get out of the seat
they tied me into

I used my quirk but to my suprise they didn't work

"Oh (y/n), don't even think about using your quirk besides you won't be able to use that anymore..."

I asked as I struggle in my position

"Now now, There is something you need to know first"


"Good, C'mon Eri"

I looked up to see a little girl that looked awfully like me
I was shocked and I didn't know what to say

"(Y/n), this is Eri..."

"Why is there...a child in here?"

"Not my point, now do you notice something?"

"She looks..."

"She looks just like you right?"

I didn't understand what was going on but
I feel the need to listen

"You know your mom didn't just leave you right?"

I was shocked

Why so suddenly my mother was brought up?

"Your mother is killed by your father but..."

"...For what now? For betraying him...
The 'vitamins' she gave you? That came from me"

From h-him?

"Your mother used that vitamins on you so you can have a much powerful quirk
Right now, you probably noticed that your quirk is not something your parents possessed"


"Your mother also cheated on your father
and this little girl..."

He held the girl close

" the daughter"

My face flashed with horror from everything I found out

"She's...your sister"

My mind went blank wanting to leave at that very moment

"You're not gonna leave your sister are you?"

He started taking off his gloves and I looked at the girl who looked much terrified than before

"What are you trying to do?!"

He continued to get his hands near Eri


He changed the direction of his hand to one of his comrades
The person exploded right in front of me
Leaving me with terror

Is that what happens when?....

"Now, don't try to escape...if you don't want your sister to die like him"


"Now take her with Eri"
He ordered one of his comrades

They took me out of the chair I was tied in but I didn't make any threatening move
As much as possible, even she is or not my sister...
A hero's duty is to protect

This room felt empty
Eri was just sitting next to me quiet
She looked scared

"I'm sorry...this is all my fault"
She said as she started to cry

"Eri, it's not your fault...I promise we'll get out of here okay?"

She looked at me
I feel her doubting me but at the end trusted me

They'll notice I'm gone
I'm pretty sure they'll come look for me

I'll be waiting...

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