part 4: promise

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When I opened the door I saw Jisung.

"Jisung?!!" I said, shocked.

"hiii Y/N!! I'm sorry if I'm bothering you but I'll be quick. I got something to ask you." Jisung said.

While Jisung was speaking Hyunjin heard him and stood behind me giving him a look.

"what are you doing here Jisung?! How did you even get her address?!" Hyunjin said, annoyed.

"well I actually didn't. I followed you cause I thought you might be going to her since you brought flowers with you." Jisung said.

"well that's smooth." I said.

"Jisung, what the heck?! Why would you follow me to her house?" Hyunjin said, pissed.

"cause I got something to ask her." Jisung said.

"okay well come in. don't just stand there." I said.

"okay." Jisung said, entered my house and the three of us sat on sofa.

"Hyunjin I hope you won't be mad at me, AGAIN!" Jisung said.

"no he won't! Don't you worry about him." I said.

Hyunjin just sat there confused and didn't talk.

"Y/N I asked you before but we didn't really talk after fight. Y/N will you go on a date with me?!" Jisung said.

Both Hyunjin and I were shocked. Hyunjin seemed angry and sad at the same time. Thankfully he listened to me and didn't speak.

"w-well sure. Why not?" I said, smiling.

When I said those words Hyunjin looked at me even more shocked.

"really?!! Yes you go girl! I'm going to pick you up tomorrow around 1 pm and then we'll go to a café or a restaurant if that's okay with you." Jisung said, happily.

"it's fine! Can't wait!" I smiled.

"me neither! Okay so I'll go now I just wanted to ask you this face to face." Jisung said, standing up.

"that's nice from you. I like that kind of things and not just texting about something important." I said.

Hyunjin thought I was talking about him when I said this about texting and went to the kitchen.

I followed Jisung to the door and said goodbye to him. After that I went straight to the kitchen to find Hyunjin standing there drinking water with tears in his eyes.

"Hyunjin?!! What's happening?" I said, shocked.

"oh nothing." he said, not looking at me.

"boy why are you crying all of a sudden?!"

"how the fuck could you agree to go on a date with him?!!" Hyunjin said, pissed.

"what?! Really? That's what bothers you?!!"

"no not just that and you also found a way to insult me in front of him! Saying that he is better!!"

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