namgi | win for me

Start from the beginning

Which is exactly what Namjoon did, using his new motivation for whatever surprise Yoongi had planned -- it had to be a sex surprise, Namjoon was certain, and Yoongi could be downright devious about that -- to lead the team to first one touchdown and extra point, then to a truly spectacular punt return that set them up just 10 yards shy of the end zone. He almost got distracted while trying to call the next play, because the cheerleaders were doing something on the sidelines that involved Yoongi kicking his legs practically over his head, but he persevered and managed to pass the ball in a perfect arch to Hoseok, who ran it in and tied the game. Just the extra point left now, and they'd have won.

Namjoon gave the kicker -- a freshman named Jungkook who really had no business being on varsity -- an encouraging smile as he took the field. Jungkook looked vaguely terrified, but made the goal anyway, so Namjoon didn't really care if the kid was scared of him.

Namjoon was feeling pretty great as the sidelines and stands jumped to their feet, shouting and cheering, and he caught Yoongi in a hug, practically lifting him off his feet and spinning them around in a circle. He set Yoongi back on his feet and leaned down to kiss him before he was pulled away by his teammates so they could dump the Gatorade on Seokjin. The resigned look on Seokjin's face every time was really the best part of winning.

"Think you can manage to be the last one in the locker room?" Yoongi asked.

"Sure. Any particular reason?"

"I know," Yoongi says. "I'll meet you in the locker room."


Namjoon was sitting on a bench in the empty locker room, scrolling through his phone looking at pictures from the game -- Raven had posted an artistic one of the cheerleaders looking out at the field, with the game blurred in the background. What wasn't blurred was Yoongi's ass, which always looked pretty amazing in the tight pants of his uniform -- so he missed hearing anyone else come in. He looked up when he heard someone clearing their throat.

Yoongi was leaning against the row of lockers, arms crossed, and wearing one of the girl's uniforms.

Namjoon made a sound that was somewhere between a squeak and a gasp, and proceeded to drop his phone from his now slack fingers.

"Surprise," Yoongi said.

Namjoon stared. The part of his brain that was required to form coherent thought was currently focused on cataloging the way Yoongi's biceps looked even bigger, framed by the blue and yellow uniform top, the way that the top was a little too short and exposed a tiny bit of midriff between where it ended and the bottom started, the way the pleated skirt flared across the tops of his thighs. His legs looked longer than normal, somehow, and he was still wearing the white tennis shoes that were part of his own uniform, currently tapping one against the floor while he waited for Namjoon to say something.

"Ung," Namjoon managed to say.

Yoongi snorted. "I thought you'd like it but I didn't realize it would render you brain dead."

"You..." Namjoon tried to say. "I..."

Yoongi laughed, finally taking pity on him and walking forward. The skirt swished around his thighs and Namjoon brought his hands up to rest on Yoongi's hips as soon as he was within reach.

"I was not expecting this," Namjoon said, looking up at Yoongi. They'd never tried cross-dressing before, and trust Yoongi to start with a fucking cheerleading uniform. Namjoon was pretty sure all of his blood had rushed to his cock, which was already uncomfortably hard against his jeans.

Yoongi grinned. "You like it though." It wasn't a question. He rested one knee on the bench next to Namjoon's thigh, then the other, straddling him. Namjoon couldn't help the upward jerk of his hips.

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