mingi | unforgiving

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author : themaknaejk on ao3
| jimin is stuck in the most dangerous part of town with no way home. with no other option, he calls the police but when the young and handsome officer min yoongi comes to his rescue, he decides to take matters into his own hands or rather, handcuffs

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Jimin was walking down a lone street, the night sky was growing ever darker and his vision was rely solely on the street lamps that were lit every few metres. He loved the night, the night sky and how eerily quiet it was. He loved the element of danger to it. The unfinished and abandoned construction sites that were a gold mine for adventuring and mindless wandering. The occasional creepy man that would wind down his car window and offer a disgenuine helping hand. The whole situation had a rush to it. It gave Jimin the time and the space to be someone he wasn't. To be someone he didn't have to be. That his parents didn't force him to be.

It wasn't the smartest of decisions, to be wandering downtown in the middle of the night completely alone. But it was tiring to be smart all the time. It was tiring to be the good boy with the good grades. Sometimes you need an outlet, and downtown was Jimin's. He never did anything stupid. He always made sure he had enough time to get the last bus back to his neighbourhood. He always made sure he was home before his ruddy curfew his parents set him. No, of course they didn't know where he was going, but as long as he returned safe and within the time frame, it was okay. His parents were oblivious to this pass time of his. They were naive enough to believe that Jimin was studying at Taehyung's house. An easy lie to pull off going with his reputation at home.

But there was something different about tonight. Jimin wasn't entirely sure what it was exactly, but something in the air and in his thoughts were different than usual. He clicked his phone to check the time, it was only 10PM. The night was still so young, but the curfew was growing ever closer. He had to be home by 11:30PM. How boring. All the best thing happened gone midnight, but Jimin was always too scared to stay here later than he was allowed. Which was silly really. He was more scared of not getting home, rather than being scared of what this area had to offer come early morning.

Jimin kept replaying the conversation he had had with his Mother that morning. Her forcing him to take an extra AP class because he had the brains and would be 'wasting an opportunity' otherwise. More like wasting valuable time to breathe and survive the hell that was senior year. Jimin couldn't wait to graduate, to move away and study something he actually loved. Yes he had a brain and yes he could use it, but he wasn't passionate about anything academic, he never had been. He was a dancer and that's where his passion lied. Not with calculus and physics, but with the beat of a song and the flow of his limbs. Conveying a story with nothing but his own physical movements and facial expressions. That was what he wanted to do with his life, and that alone. Why could no one understand that?

The conversation had been eating away at Jimin all night long and it drove him to the edge of this abandoned wasteland. To an area of downtown he had never been before. And it was somewhat beautiful? The tranquility of nothing, the eerie silence and the unforgiving darkness. It was quite the polar opposite to Jimin's personality and everyday life but that's what he liked so much. Always expect the unexpected. Jimin had a lot of tricks up his sleeve after all. He was never one to be predictable, not with people who genuinely knew him for who he was.

He took a left, than a right, another left and continued straight. He found himself along a coast line, a stoney beach with a dark blue sea. God, was it a sight. Jimin took a deep breath before jumping over the barrier and rushing towards the shore line. The wind was quiet and the waves were moving slowly, almost as if in slow motion, and it was beautiful. Jimin stripped off his clothes and ran into the water without a care in the world, leaving his phone in the pile and letting his mind run free.

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