I Just Love You

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My life was really ordinary until you came into my life.
That irritating ringing sound in my ears was the cry of my soul longing for this person, you.
My heart squeezed itself when I saw him. It hurts.
I know I'm not strong enough to take away my hand from you. No matter how many times I have been betrayed.
But now, I can really say it. It was such a simple thing. But I was so scared that my voice just wouldn't come out
How exactly do I feel? I'm a little uneasy about this
Maybe this emotional I feel right now is the so-called "Love". I realize, I understand after I meeting you. I am in love with you. I am truly falling in love with you.
But I didn't mean to trouble you, I don't want to be a disturbance in your heart.
Just, please remember that I just want to hold you surely not because of sympathy.
If you need someone to listen to your problems, I can be there for you. I would do anything to take your frustration out and make you smile. Because I just love you.
But, am I still hoping?
Maybe I never know until I got hurt.

By : Meldy Danus

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