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Yibo was running at the fastest rate he could run. It was night, that's why not many people were seen outside, only a few here and there.

It was slightly raining, and freezing cold outside, but Yibo didn't care. It was starting to rain heavier as Yibo realized he almost arrived at the location. Yibo was wet from all the rain by now. It was an old building. The building looked kind of creepy, the lights were on, though. Yibo didn't seem to be scared at all. He went in.

It was really messy inside the building as Yibo was going through the long hallways of the building. He didn't see anyone on the first floor, so he went to the second one. It was a 5 floor building. He didn't see anyone there either, but as he was taking the stairs to go to the third floor, he saw blood on the stairs. He quickly but quietly jogged to the third floor. That's when he heard muffled noises. He followed the noises 'till they became clear to him. The voices took him to the fourth floor, the last room through the long hallway. He hid himself and listened to the conversation going on between two males, and a female. But then, he saw Zhan tied up to a chair, his mouth covered with duct tape, and he was bleeding from several spots. Yibo felt anger rise in him. He suddenly stepped out of the hiding spot. The two males and the female turned around. Yibo was shocked to see that it was Haikuan, Xuan Lu, and his....father...?

"Oh, look who's here." His father said.

"What are you doing here?" Yibo asked, slightly angered. "Did you two do something?" He turned to Xuan Lu and Haikuan.

"Well, we may or may not have told your father about everything." Xuan Lu said, fiddling with her fingers fakely.

"You did not..." Yibo said with gritted teeth and clenched fists.

"Oh yes she did!" Yibo's father snapped suddenly. "No son of mine will be gay!"

"Of course! That's what I'm saying. It's because of this boy right here." Haikuan pointed at Zhan who was slowly waking up, now. "If he wasn't alive, Yibo would've accepted his future wife, Xuan Lu! It's all his fault! You should kill him!"

Liu Haikuan

Zhan was like my punching bag. I released all my stress and anger on him by beating him up. But before Zhan can tell anyone about it, I have to end his life. That's why I'm doing this. I can't let Zhan tell anyone about what was going on between the both of us.

Wang Yibo

"It's not his fault!" I yelled in anger.

"Then, who's fault is it?!" Haikuan yelled back. "Huh! Tell us! Who's?! Who's fault?!-"

He stopped yelling when I punched him on his face. He stumbled back, holding his face. I pushed my father and Xuan Lu out of the way and ran to Zhan. I tried to untie him as quickly as I could, and I succeeded.


Yibo cupped Zhan's face as he was done untying him from the chair, both having tears in their eyes.

"Are you okay?" Yibo asked, his voice cracking.

"Y-yeah..." Zhan held onto Yibo's hands that were cupping his face.

"I'm sorry I'm late." Yibo cried.

"N-no, you're not late! Nothing happened to me, see!"

"It's my fault! I should've taken good care of you! I'm sorry!"

"It's okay. My life is already ruined. You shouldn't have come here. I would die, anyway-" Zhan was stopped mid-way as he felt a pair of lips on his own. It was Yibo, his tears falling down from his face as he moved back.

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