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"Touch him, and it won't end well." Yibo coldly told him.

"Who are you to interfere in our business?! Do you know who I am?!" He tried to free his wrist from Yibo's grip, but the other was stronger than him.

"Let go of my wrist!" He shouted again. "Who are you?!"

"I'm his boyfriend." Yibo said calmly, pointing to Zhan with his eyes and eyebrows as he tilted his head along a little, too.

Peng Chuyue

After I was done showering and making food for Zhan, I started getting ready to go to the hospital. I took the food with me, locked the front door, and made my way towards the hospital. I didn't need to tell the receptionist who I was, because I had a hand-band that shows that I've been to the hospital before. You only get it when there's someone you know admitted to the hospital, even for a little while. But it only works for 3 days, on the 3rd day you'll get a new one, only if you ask for it. If you've been to the hospital and have the band, but you didn't come to the hospital for 3 or more days, you'll have to tell the receptionist who you are and who you're here for.

I entered the hospital and showed my band to the receptionist. Then, I went to the elevator and pressed the 5th floor button. After a few seconds, I arrived at the 5th floor. When I was about to enter the room Zhan was in, I heard yelling. I looked through the glass door and saw Zhan in tears and an unfamiliar person holding someone's wrist. Then, I realized who that someone was.

'What is he doing here? Did he try to hurt Zhan, again?! I'm gonna kill him!-' My thoughts were cut off by more yelling.

"Do you know who I am?!" I heard him say. "Let go of my wrist! Who are you?!"

I was about to enter the room, but froze when I heard the unfamiliar person say-

"I'm his boyfriend."

'Zh-Zhan has a b-boyfriend..?! S-since when-....?' By my thoughts and expression, you could tell that I was shocked and surprised.

My eyes started to sting and my vision suddenly started to become blurry. And you might be wondering why? Because I like-no love him! We've been best friends since childhood. But I suddenly started gaining feelings for him in the beginning of middle school. I have hid my feelings for Zhan from him since then. I didn't want to ruin our friendship. I've had other friends, after Zhan left for 2 and a half years to go to America, but they turned out to only be my friend because I was rich, and they wanted money. Zhan was my first ever true friend. He wasn't after my money, he really did want to be my friend. When he came back, I was so happy, I could be the happiest person you'd see in your life when he came back. That happiness was because Zhan was my only true friend, and because I loved him, and still do.

I saw that someone was about to leave the room, so I decided to hide.

Xiao Zhan

"Zhan does not have a boyfriend!" He said.

"Then who are you? It doesn't look like he's your friend or someone he likes, because friends don't make each other cry." Yibo said, obviously getting annoyed. "Now, leave or I'll make you!"

"You can't get away with this Zhan." He told me,  gritting his teeth, and then stormed out of the room.

Yibo looked at me and calmly asked "Who was he? And what does he want from you?"

I suddenly got a feeling to snap at Yibo. "Why do you care?! It's not like you're my boyfriend or something! How can you act like nothing happened between us?! Did you forget everything?! If you're that good at forgetting about stuff like that, then tell me how to forget those terrible memories!!" I cried out.

"Look, Zhan. I'm sorry about everything that happened..."

"No, you're not! You're not sorry about anything that happened!-"


"No! I'm not having any of this! Leave." I said looking on the other side of the room.

"Zhan, let me explain-"

"I said leave!"

I heard Yibo sigh before I heard footsteps fading away, and then the click of the door opening and closing. Right after Yibo left, I bursted into tears.


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