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Before Chuyue dropped off Zhan at his house, he was whining to Zhan to let him stay, because he didn't want him to be left alone, not after what happened at the hospital. But Zhan refused, he didn't want to be a burden to Chuyue, and the younger wanted his best friend to have some rest. They'll be going to school tomorrow, and he doesn't want his friend to be tired. After Chuyue drove off, Zhan entered his house, only to be greeted by the person he hated the most.

"Welcome back home, Zhan!" He said.

Zhan turned to run away, but the other was fast enough to pull him and close the door from behind him, preventing him from leaving the house at all. He turned Zhan around after locking the door. Zhan was almost pressed against the door. The gap between the door and Zhan disappeared when the other boy started coming closer to Zhan.

"Please, d-don't do a-anything to m-me." Zhan begged.

"Oh, don't worry, it won't hurt much, just a little." He said, smirking evilly.

"Please, don't! I beg you. P-please, don't h-hurt me, Haikuan." Zhan had tears falling down his face as Haikuan started doing what Zhan was terrified of.

Haikuan was punching, slapping, and kicking Zhan as the younger cried out, begging to stop because he felt his cuts almost opening up. Almost.

But then, Zhan stopped because he knew the older wouldn't stop 'till he passed out. He bit his lips, preventing him from screaming because of the pain. He didn't want the neighbors to come here.

Zhan almost passed out when Haikuan suddenly stopped. "Don't you dare tell anyone about this, or it won't be good." Then, he left the house.

Wang Yibo

I moved into my own house today, and I was almost done settling when I saw a familiar car outside my house. I realized it was Xuan Lu's car. I remembered my dad told me that she'll be living with me now. This way we could spend more time together, and get to know each other more. But that's not what I wanted. I want to live with someone I love wholeheartedly, but that someone doesn't realize it. That someone was none other than Zhan, Xiao Zhan. Yes, I still love him. I don't want to get married to someone I don't like. Even the thought of it makes me want to scream and throw around things, because I am forced to marry someone I didn't love.

I opened the door for her. Though, I am always acting cold to her because of the threat she gave me.

"If you go to Zhan after we're in China, I'll make sure to tell your dad that you're gay and he'll kill Zhan."

She thinks that spending time with me will make me fall for her. Even when she knows I'm gay, she still thinks I'll love her the way I love Zhan. But she's wrong. Totally wrong.

I saw another car in front of the house in front of mine. Someone got out, and that someone was Xiao Zhan, I guess we're neighbors, then. The car left, and I saw Zhan entering his house. He didn't notice me, though. When he entered, I saw him freeze, the door was still open. I couldn't see who the other person was properly. But I could tell something was wrong when Zhan turned around and was about to exit his house, but the other person pulled him and closed the door. After some time, I heard a few screams and cries, the tone of the voice sounded familiar.

'Zhan!' I was about to run to the house in front of me when I heard, "Babe, where are you going? Let's go eat." She linked her arm with mine and pulled me with her after closing the door.

'If she finds out that I met Zhan, then things will get worse. I'm sorry, Zhan. I couldn't save you.' I thought, letting myself get pulled by her.

'I have to talk to Zhan at school.' I thought, but then remembered that Xuan Lu will be going to the same school as us.

'I have to talk to Zhan somehow. But I have to keep it a secret from Xuan Lu and make sure she doesn't find out.' I thought as we started eating. I decided that I would talk to him at school tomorrow.

Xiao Zhan

I was in too much pain, I almost couldn't move, the last bit of strength I had, I used it to go to my bedroom and lay down.
'I guess I wouldn't be going to school tomorrow, too.' I thought, as I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

I don't know why but I love updating without taking too long on it. I also realized that the 9th and 10th chapter were much longer than the other ones. The 9th one being 2100+ words and the 10th one being 1100+ words. I'll try to make longer chapters, now.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter.
Take care!💜
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