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It was 4:30 pm, and Peng Chuyue was standing in front of the school, trying to find out if he should go home first, or straight to the hospital Zhan was in. He finally chose that he'll go to his house first, take a quick shower and wear clean clothes, then make Zhan's favorite food, and then go to Zhan. He knew it will take longer, but he was sweaty, and really wanted to make something Zhan would love, since the doctor told him that Zhan didn't eat proper meals. So, now Peng Chuyue is heading home to do what he has planned.



After I heard that Zhan was in the hospital, I had a feeling that he might've told his friend what really happened, since Peng Chuyue was glaring at me the whole day at school.

'You really think you can get away with this, Zhan? Huh! We'll see about that.' I evilly smiled to myself, making my way towards the hospital I heard Zhan was in.

I entered the hospital and went to the receptionist.

"Hello. I'm here for someone named Xiao Zhan. Can I know which room he's in?"

"Sure, let me see...uhh...he's in room 538, fifth floor."

"Thank you." I bowed and left.

I entered the elevator and pressed the button to the 5th floor. After a few seconds, the elevator stopped at the 5th floor, and I got out.

'Room 538~' I thought, looking around for the said room. 'Aha! Found it!' I evilly smirked, entering the room.


Zhan was laying down after getting checked by the doctor. After the doctor left, a few minutes later, Zhan heard the door open and close. He looked up to see who it was, and saw someone he never wanted to see for the rest of his life. Zhan sat up.

"W-what are y-you d-doing here?" Zhan tried to sound strong, but he failed immediately.

"You told Chuyue what actually happened, didn't you?" His voice was harsh. Zhan's eyes got teary when he started coming closer.

"Answer me! You did, right?"


"Stop lying!! Tell me the truth. What did you tell him?!"

Zhan stayed silent, with tears falling down his face.

"Not gonna say anything, huh? Fine. Take this!" Zhan quickly shut his eyes tightly, ready to feel pain by the punch the other was about to throw at him. But, to his surprise, he didn't feel anything. He slowly opened his eyes to see....


Hello!! I hope you all are doing good and taking care of yourselves after this virus came.
I know I said that Yibo will come in this chapter, but something else came up to my mind, and I couldn't add him in this one. But he will be in the next one, as you can tell by the ending of this chapter.
Thank you all so much for 600+ read! I really appreciate it.💜
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