The Man from the Ocean -Jotakak-Part Two-

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[So, uh,  yeah, enjoy this, i hope

and also...


Kakyoin opened his eyes. He was in a seemingly endless white space. He looked all around him and his eyes landed on a tall person, who  was right behind him. He extended his hand for Kakyoin to take.

Kakyoin shot the figure a confused glance, lavender eyes shifting from the figure's hand to his face. The figure gave him a small smile, his ocean eyes bright. Kakyoin, for some reason, took the figure's hand, feeling the warmth spread from his fingers to his arm and so on. 

Why was he doing this? Why is he trusting this guy? 

The figure turned to face forward, walking into the open space in front of them.

"Hey, uh, where are you taking me?" Kakayoin asked, nervously chuckling.

The person didn't respond. 

Kakyoin thought about pulling his hand away from the dark haired  figure, but suddenly--

"Th-the ocean?" The redhead furrowed his brows. Before them, the beach started manifesting, in all of its glory.

What the hell is going on? 

Suddenly, the beach now fully around them, the figure turned around, leaning in closely, his face mere inches away from the shorter boy's now blushing face, "You have to wake up soon, Noriaki," he spoke in a tone of voice that Kakyoin couldn't decipher. It was something between gentle, annoyed, disappointed?? He really didn't know.

"U-uh, how do you know my name? No never mind, I don't care. More importantly, how the actual, ever loving fUCK are you in my dream, " Kakyoin jerked his head back, earning a frown from the boy in front of him, "I CREATED YOU!?! You're NOT REAL! Why the FUCK ARE YOU IN MY DREAM, HUH?!" 

The frown on the boys face turned into a scowl. He turned away from Kakyoin and walked knees-deep into the ocean, "Because you desperately want me to be alive. Now wake up," he  glared at Kakyoin, but something told him that it wasn't a 'bad' glare. The redhead blinked and when he opened his eyes, he was slightly devastated to find himself back in his own dorm.

Kakyoin sat up in his bed, rubbing his eyes.  

"What the hell? That was--" He looked around his room, gaze falling upon his calendar, "SHIT!!!"

Kakyoin scrambled out of bed, going to his closet, finding some decent clothes and running into the bathroom. He completely forgot about the Art Show he was preparing for for like three weeks!

After taking a quick shower and putting on his clothes, he grabbed his bag and ran to the art room, grabbing his latest piece of art (Another painting of the Man, this time sitting on a rock in the middle of the sea) then speed walking to the gym, where his other artworks were already set up in a semicircle. He placed the newest painting on the empty easel, admiring it next to his other works. True to his word, he put on display the painting of Polnareff's sister, a group 'picture' of Avdol, Polnareff, and him, and three paintings of his character. He smiled and was about to make his way to the exit of the gym when suddenly--

"Kakyoin! Are you getting ready for our Art Show?" Mr. Joestar, the art teacher (who honestly, doesn't seem to fit the whole art teacher vibe, he seemed more like a gym teacher to be honest) walked up to Kakyoin, a smile on his face.

"Yeah, I just went to set up my last painting. Thank you for including me in the Show, I really don't deserve it," Kakyoin smiled back.

"Nonsense!" The Brit exclaimed, "Your art is simply exquisite, of course I had to include it!"

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