"Perhaps... that could be arranged." Madara still refused to make eye contact when he spoke, though it was a surprise that he gave in so quickly.

Tobirama was just as childish as him, apparently, and also refused to look. "I would not be opposed to such a compromise. As long as each clan is still represented fairly, I see no issue."

It was an odd exchange to watch. The two of them obviously wanted to look at the other (those idiots were so ridiculously in love with each other), but neither wanted to be the first to give in. Looking first meant losing. Izuna was just glad they weren't going after him for calling them wrong. Tobirama seemed to notice something the others did not, and turned around to face the door expectantly. A few seconds later, a scout popped his head in with a sheepish smile( alongside a confused glance at Izuna, who was still cowering behind the desk).

"Kenshin," Madara cleared his throat. "Come in. What is it?"

"Apologies for intruding, Madara-sama. A Senju woman approached our borders and confronted our patrols. She did not attack, but she gave us this." The boy- he looked no older than sixteen- pulled a scroll from the pouch at his hip. It was bound by a familiar wax seal. "She said her name was Touka, and that this was to be brought directly to you." Madara stepped forward to accept it, rolling it in his palms with a sour expression.

"Thank you for this. You may return to your duties." Kenshin nodded dutifully and turned on his heel to leave. Before closing the door, though, he cast a worried glance over his shoulder.

"Madara-sama. We have not checked the scroll's contents, so you may want to be careful. It could very well be a trap."

Madara chuckled dryly and held the scroll up for the boy to see. The seal was clearly visible, and he saw that it was a lovely impression of a tree. "No need to worry," Madara said. "Unfortunately, I've received many of these scrolls over the years. It was sent by Hashirama. That man is too stupid to recognize me as an enemy. But thank you for your concern, little cousin." Kenshin flashed a bright smile and bowed before closing the door. With him gone, the two remaining Uchiha looked at Tobirama uneasily.


Though he tried not to show it, Tobirama was livid. He had been in Uchiha territory for six whole days! His brother must have known that he was with the Uchiha (he went missing after their last battle, and he would have made too valuable a prisoner to have killed, had that been their goal). But it had taken him six days to send a message. He had half a mind to return home just to beat the living hell out of Hashirama! They may not be close, but they were still brothers! He should have been important enough to warrant a message being sent earlier. Did his loss mean nothing?

Was the message even about him? Knowing Hashirama, there was a good chance it wasn't. Tobirama had been the messenger for a great many of his notes of (love) friendship, as well as his pleas for their clans to join as one in peace (for Madara to finally accept his feelings). The more he thought about it, the more the feeling in his gut worsened.

Madara laid a hand on his arm, and Tobirama realized that they were waiting for his say on what to do with the scroll. It was a message from his brother, and they would do whatever he wanted with it, even if it meant throwing it away. But he wanted to know what it said. He needed to know if his brother cared for him in the least. If Hashirama wanted him back. If the clan even realized he was gone (or if they were thankful that he was). He nodded once and Madara ripped off the seal. Tobirama and Izuna flanked his sides, watching intently as he unrolled it. Before he even made it half way through, Tobirama felt sick.

Well, that was unexpectedWhere stories live. Discover now