The Robin's chicks

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I still remember my first day of high school, it was a cloudy day, it looked like it might rain. I looked to my left out the window and to my surprise I saw a robin feeding it's hatchlings

Oh my goodness I thought, they were ugly, but a cute kind of ugly. I knew I didn't want to scare the momma bird away so i slowly closed my blinds and got dressed. I quickly picked out the cutest outfit i had and the matching shoes to go with it. I then heard my mom yell to get my butt downstairs. I quickly scurried downstairs. 

"come on your gonna miss the bus!" my mom said shoving a piece of toast in my mouth as i ran out the down.

I then darted down the stairs and on to the bus, I was the only one on one the bus so far, kinda sucked because i couldn't talk talk to anyone. Then this really cute got on the bus, he said his name was Wes Collins and then he sat down next to me. that made me blush, someone this cute must already have a girlfriend. I just decided to stay quite on the count of I didn't want to say something stupid.

When the 7th and last person got on the bus, that's when I was frightened, she wore all black, and tons of chains, and a choker. Me being the stupid person i am decided to open my big mouth.

"Uh hi whats your name" I asked shyly

"Megan Bennet, and you don't need to be nervous or scared i where this because I don't like a whole lot of attention." she said in surprisingly cheerful voice

"oh i'm-" she cut me off before i could get it out

"whatever it's fine i'm used to it, so um hey you seem kinda cool in a weird sort of way do you want to be friends?" she directed at me

"umm. i'll think about it ok?" i said nervously

We then arrived at the school and got of the bus. It was a really big high school. I started to wonder how I was gonna find my way around.

The One RobynHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin