Start from the beginning

"Doesn't matter." Hurley interrupted, sighing when he noticed Lindsey, a women midway between working as Hurley's assistant and the local information centre where anyone could realistically ask for anything. Within reason.

She waiting patiently by the door, her bright lipstick done perfectly as she gazed around in boredom.

"Just be on time from now on. I'm not your elementary school teacher, I'm not going to keep letting it slide." Hurley said finally, and Frank nodded measly, suppressing a jaw clench before grabbing his cup and walking out through the doors.

Lindsey nodded at him in greeting which he returned, going to sit back by his desk where he had left some unfinished paperwork he brought with him to work that morning.

He was working on a triple homicide with a guy named Bert, who was actually a decent detective with just a tiny bit of an anger problem. Frank was always good at keeping his distance from him though, so luckily he had never been on the receiving end of one of his work induced temper-tantrums.

"What's with the coffee stains, Iero?" A voice laughed behind him, making Frank sigh.

"Fuck off, Urie. At least I brushed my hair today." Frank spoke through the corner of his mouth, a blank expression plastered across his disinterested face.

Brendon moved so he was sitting on the right side of Frank's desk, which of course was something Frank cringed at since his friend's ass was planted right on the arrest report he was meant to be filling in.

"Wouldn't want a repeat of yesterday." Brendon said, making Frank glare at him halfheartedly before starting up his computer.

Frank tried his best to ignore Brendon after that, because although they were somewhat friends Frank was still majorly pissed off from the earlier events of that morning, and he didn't exactly want to say anything he didn't mean. Luckily though, Brendon had known Frank long enough to know when he needed to be left alone.

After a few minutes Brendon sighed and got off his desk, like Frank had expected. He patted Frank on the back as he walked off to the break room, probably to get more coffee.

Frank groaned as he looked at the dozens of unanswered emails in his inbox.

God, today was already gonna suck.

✩ ✩

"Finally brought your own lunch." Ray said with a small smile as he took a seat next to Frank who was stirring his coffee.

Frank glanced down at his sad fruit salad with a small nod, "Mhm."

Ray didn't say anything for a moment before he started fiddling with his tie absently.

"The guys and I are going to the bar down the street after work, you wanna come?" Ray asked quietly, and Frank opened his mouth to completely turn down the idea when Ray spoke up again.

"I know you're busy with your case but... It would mean a lot, Frank." Ray interrupted, "You really need to find a balance between your work and your social life."

Frank poked at a piece of melon in his salad, "I don't have a social life to balance work with, Ray. You know that."

Ray stayed quiet for a moment before letting a small smile shine through, "You could always change that."

"I dunno..." Frank murmured, shifting uncomfortably in his seat.

In all honesty, the real reason he didn't want to go out with them wasn't because he was still working on a case and hoping to work on it after hours, it was actually because he would feel awkward going. He never really hung out with anyone apart from Ray or Brendon after work, and the thought of being with a bunch of cops at a bar drinking didn't sit too well with him.

Besides, he wasn't in a rush to mingle with a bunch of strangers in hopes of becoming friends with them, and of course that also applied to dating any of them. Frank didn't think the very essence of his lifestyle really needed to change; Frank figured as long as he had his dick, badge and unspilled coffee, he would be fine.

Just because he was bored of his daily routine didn't mean he was about to start running off to random bars with his colleagues for no apparent reason. That all seemed a bit far fetched to him.

"I'll pay for your beer." Ray tried, his expression borderline desperate as Frank eventually sighed reluctantly and put a piece of pineapple in his mouth.

"Fine." He spoke thickly through his food, ignoring manners completely, "But only for a little bit."

Ray let a bright, sickly sweet smile cover his features as he nodded, "Looks like someone's finally having a change of heart."

Frank smiled bitterly at that as he faced his food again. Well, it couldn't hurt to try and have a bit of fun, could it?


hi first chapter!

what do y'all think? is it terrible?

by the way in case nobody knows the song bad idea by girls in red: that's what this book is named after and where i got the inspiration for it :)

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