"You know I heard mayweather ain't the only lightweight champion in here tonight..." Steelo joked with only us in ears reach and I looked to Michael who looked to me before busting up laughing with steelo and both Conna and I looked at eachother for a second before joining the laughter. I could always trust Steelo to turn an awkward situation on its ass.

"Yo get your boy." I said to Michael and he pulled me into his chest.

"Come here mighty hands" He joked further and I had to laugh louder then. I did feel kind of bad.

"I'm sorry ya'll. " I said shyly under Michael's arm now and Conna waved me off.

"I love that dress on you!" She said changing the subject quickly, trying to talk over the music.

"Thanks, I love it, super sexy and comfortable" I responded referring to the White House Of CB dress I was now wearing. It was, appropriate.

Michael and I drank and smoked a little on our way here and by now he was definitely feeling it, and me.

The party was just how I expected. Celebrities, a lot of sexy women, a lot of alcohol and a lot of eyes on us. I had partied plenty of times in Vegas, but not quite like this. In fact the last time I was here, I was fucking Chris in a toilet cubicle in the club... somehow that trip also ended in a fight.

"What was that for?" Michael asked as my hands met behind his back.

"I'm just happy." I sang and laughed unprovoked.

"You high?" He said and for some reason he seemed to be smiling even wider than usual which was hard.

"Why you laughing silly" I said laughing so hard at this point that Michael had joined.

"Oh hell naw ya'll smoked?" Steelo shouted and I shrugged.

"Yeah." Michael admitted coming down from his laugh and Steelo shook his head.

"Ya'll want some o this then?" He said pulling a fresh blunt from his pocket and me and Michael both look at eachother and laughed.

"We good. We got ours." He said and took his arm from around my shoulder to light the blunt up.

"Oh ya'll came to party party!" Steelo shouted passing to Conna and I winked at her as I began loosening up.

We'd been in the party for at least an hour now and it seemed to be getting busier. A few of Michael and Steelo's friends from the industry had created a lil crowd around us and everyone seemed to be having a good time. I personally was having a great time. I'd been so focused on being a mother recently that i'd almost forgotten how to have fun. I used to be the ultimate party girl, and that part of my life was behind me, but that element of my character was still very much alive.

"Damn Kamaiyah take it easy on him!" Steelo shouted, I couldn't help the energy I radiated right now. I was genuinely happy, my baby was somewhere well taken care of and sound asleep, I wasn't at odds with anybody, my man loved me and had proved his commitment to me over and over again and despite everything, he claimed me proudly, and to top it off we were both extremely drunk, high and horny.

Michael pulled me down on to his lap mid whine and put his head in my neck.

"Babe you can't drink no more." I said playfully and giggled as his facial hair brushed against my ear.

"Why, I ain't even do nothing babe" He slurred back. I forgot to mention; my favorite Michael was drunk Michael. Sober Michael was cool, but intoxicated Michael? Hilarious.

"You are drunk! You got to go start work tomorrow. And i'll be damned if you mess up our netflix cheque." I told him and he laughed out loudly, by now the whole party was on our wave and everybody was wildin.

"Oh OUR Netflix Cheque? Is that right now?" He joked again and took the bottle of d'usse from his hand.

"Yes OUR. What's yours is mine remember?" I said as I started twisting my hips to the music again and felt him grow under me. Whew Chile.

"Stop, you know what you doing" He said in my ear and I went on swaying my hips on his lap.

"I'm not doing nothing but dancing babe. You want me to stand up? I can stand up." I teased and he held me down tighter.

"We need to leave. I'm tryna put a baby in you...Tonight" He said in my ear and it kind of threw me off.

"Oh so you're drunk drunk. Stop playing babe." I said laughing again and he put his head in my neck again.

"I'm not playing, I'm for real."

"We discussed this. No more babies till we married." I said because I wanted to make it clear before he got trigger happy later. It seemed weird to be on this topic in the middle of a party but he was talking big shit and I was drunk enough to be entertaining him.

"Well shit, we in Vegas baby. Let's just do it." I heard him say in my ear and for a second I could swear he was talking now and not the alcohol. I stopped moving and snapped my head around to look him in the eye.

"What?" I asked again because I was high and drunk enough to actually be considering.

"You heard me Kamaiyah. Lets. Get. Married. I know you want the big white wedding, and we gone have it, all of it. But I want you to be my wife right now." I looked at him for a few more seconds and realized he was serious.

"You gone marry babygirl?" He said finally and I nodded.

"Lets do it. I Love you. Lets do it baby"

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