I shake his hand. Not a single spark. I didn't expect or want one, but still... "Delilah. Thanks. It was my first day hitting a bag. This is my friend Meghan."

Without an invite, Ben slips into the chair between us, offering Meghan a quick "hi, how are ya?" and returning his attention to me. "I could give you a few pointers. I'm there every day."

"Thanks for the offer. I think I'll stick to my current coach." Ben leans in, totally ignoring Meghan, his eyes burning into me. It's obvious he's hitting on me, and it's making me extremely uncomfortable. I wish I hadn't removed my wedding rings, and can't remember why I did. As if he read my thoughts Ben zeroes in on my ring finger and is emboldened by the barren space.

"How about you let me take you to dinner and see if I can change your mind? There's a great place down the street."

"I...uh..." Nerves sizzle through my body. I don't want to be rude, but I'm no where near ready to date anyone. A familiar, warm, strong hand slinks across my shoulder and lightly grips the back of my neck, under my hair. My whole body relaxes.

"Babe, sorry I'm late." James kisses me on the temple and slips the hand the rest of the way around me, pulling me against his hard body. Sizzle? Jesus, no. He's lit a freaking bonfire in me. All my nerve endings are exploding under his touch. James uses his other hand to grab a chair and move it close to me. "Hey, haven't I seen you around? The gym maybe?" I can tell from his voice James is playing dumb. He knows damned well the guy was there and why he's here. Ben's face goes taut.

"Yeah. I recognized Delilah and came over to say hi."

James kisses me on the cheek this time. Laying it on thick. "My girl's first time on the bag. She's a natural, aren't you, love?" Oh, yeah. Real thick. I'm grateful for the rescue, though. The testosterone-fest happening at this table is quite amusing.

"Hardly. What kept you late, baby?" I'll play along. Ben might be a nice guy, but he can go be someone else's nice guy. I glance at Meghan. She's captivated by the whole scene. I'll be drilled on this for days.

"Well, Mrs. Coury," I almost choke on my drink. Technically, I that's who I am, but James is using my belated title to deflect Ben's advances. "I was getting outfitted for my gear, and practicing at the range with the new pieces Neil has for me. Every gun is different, even if it's the same. Right, dude?"

"Oh, sorry. This is Ben. He offered to coach me at the gym."

Ben stands, fuming and a bit embarrassed. "I didn't know you two were married. Sorry to bother you." He spins and leaves the bar. James, however, doesn't move. His arm stays wrapped around my shoulder, and he grins at Meghan.

"You must be the lovely Meghan. James Coury. My friends call me JD. Nice to finally meet you."

Meghan's gaze bounces between us like she's figured out a deep, dark secret. "Nice to meet you. Gotta say, Ben was coming on a bit strong. Delilah's lucky to have you in her corner."

He winks at me. "I'll always be in Delilah's corner. Always. No doubt about that."


"Hey John-baby." The hot water is like needles poking my back. It should hurt, but it makes me feel alive instead.

"Hey Delilah. I miss you, baby."

"I miss you too, John." Of course, my husband isn't speaking to me, other than in my imagination. Who the hell cares? If having a fake conversation with him keeps me sane, what difference does it make?

"Some gym rat hit on me today. James came to my rescue. He's wonderful. Thanks for sending him to me. I don't know what I'd do without him."

"He's the only person I trust with you. He'll keep you safe. Whatever you need, James is there."

Delilah's TearsWhere stories live. Discover now